Question Beema bamboo farms



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Kindly give me contact details for Beema bamboo plantation farms with in Tamilnadu and Bangalore. I wish to visit and know details of Beema bamboo cultivation details​
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Kindly give me contact details for Beema bamboo plantation farms with in Tamilnadu and Bangalore. I wish to visit and know details of Beema bamboo cultivation details​
If you want to buy planting material for Bamboo, we can help you
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If you want to take up bamboo plantation in any extent and to avail any term loan from financial institutions please contact us for project report
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We are very much glad to know your interest in the Beema Bamboo plantation.

We are the developer of the bamboo variety "Beema bamboo" and propagating Beema bamboo. We are one of the leading Plant Tissue Culture lab in India, in existence for the last 24 years, supplying bamboo plants throughout the world. We subculture over 1 lakh cultures every day and supply 10 million TC plants every year.

We produce and supply tissue culture plants of many bamboo species such as Bambusa balcooa variety "Beema bamboo", Bambusa tulda, Dendrocalamus asper, Dendrocalamus stocksii, Dendrocalamus hamiltonii and Thyrsostachys oliveri, Dendrocalamus brandisii, Bambusa nutans

Beema bamboo is a clone of bamboo developed by us, selected from the open-pollinated population of Bambusa balcooa found in North Eastern India followed by multiplication through Tissue Culture. This new high yielding clone of bamboo – BEEMA BAMBOO is responded to field management practice and yields according to the Agri-inputs.

Our Beema bamboo can be grown everywhere from small farms to large scale farms, and is,
a. A Fast growing bamboo species
b. Thorn less
c. Thick walled
d. High yielding
e. Suitable for cultivation as field crop
f. Clump forming and non-invasive
g. Sterile, do not produce seeds and do not die, and hence once planted, replanting is not necessary even for centuries.
h. Has a Calorific value of 4000 KCal energy and 1 to 2 % ash content and highly suitable for both combustion and gasification systems of power generation.
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There are about 100 species of bamboo in India, kindly specify the scientific name of Beema bamboo to have better understanding the particulars of the same
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The particulars of Bheema Bamboo are furnished hereunder:

Scientific name : Bambusa balcooa Roxb.


Local name :
Bhaluka (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam); Baruwa (Manipur); Wamnah/Beru (Meghalaya); Dhanu Bans/Bhalu Bans (Sikkim); Nagaland: Oti (Ao), Vuteya (Angami), Awuti (Sema), Avuthi (Lotha); Barak (Tripura).

Occurs at altitude from mean sea level up to 600 m. Grows in any type of soil but prefers heavy textured soil with good drainage

It is an indigenous species of North Eastern India distributed in Nagaland, Meghalaya, Tripura, Assam,West Bengal and Bihar extending to Eastern Utter Pradesh

Flowering and fruiting:
This species flower gregariously and clump dies without setting any seed. The flowering cycle is 35 to 45 years.

Identification features:
12-20m height and 8-15cm diameter, grayish green, thickwalled, the diameter of the cavity about one-third of that of culm; node thicken with a whitish ring above, hairy brown; internodes 20-40cm long; branch from the lower nodes leafless and hard, mostly spreading, sometimes thorn-like; young shoots blackish green, green with yellow, brown or orange tinged culm sheath, clothed sparsely with dark brown hairs. Culm sheaths green when young, deciduous, tapering above and rounded at tip, adaxial surface with densely appressed dark brown hairs, margin ciliate; lower one much shorter and broader than the upper ones; blade 6-8 cm long, 5-7 cm broad, triangular, acute to acuminate, adaxial surface with dark brown pubescence, margin ciliate; ligules 5-8mm high, denticulate,membranous; auricle absent or very small, ciliate. 15-30cm long, 2.5-5cm broad, oblong lanceolate, glabrous above, pale and puberulous beneath,margins rough,apexpointed,subcordate,orround at base with short petiole.

Silvicultural management techniques :
The species is propagated vegetativley by branch cutting and culm cutting pretreated with growth promoting substance such as IBA or NAA or mixture of both. Cutting from 2-3 years old culms and basal part of the culm gavemaximum rooting response (Seethalakshmi et al.,

Pests & Diseases & their control:
This species is affected by bamboo blight caused by Sarocladium oryzae. Blight affect the culm in August, the disease progresses by November. The disease can be controlled by cultural practices such as removal of blighted culm, burning debris in situ, adding new soil around clumps before the onset of monsoon in April and application of fungicides, Indofil M-45as a soil drench (Rahman, 1990).


It the most common use for this bamboo is for structural applications. It is a highly preferred bamboo species for house construction, scaffolding, making ladders and props for small bridges. The shoots are edible in nature with sweet taste. It is also used for Agarbatti sticks
and in bamboo wood chip industry. Large quantity of this bamboo species is also consumed in pulp and paper industries
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