100 Cow and 10 Buffaloes Dairy Unit Project Report along with NABARD Loan Guidelines!


Hi im from karnataka and planing for small size of dairy farm 10 buffaloes and im having money problem so send me project plan and also what type of loans i get. I heard about NABARD but i don't know so much of detail pls help me sir

I neeed Dairy Farm project report as follows.
Total cost 90lakhs .existing cattle 30 Buffaloes 20 lakh 10 cow 7 lakh ..existing shed cost..15 lakh...now we want to increasing...20 Buffalo 14 lakh..30 cow .20 lakh..machinery cost 15 lakhs..Give m total details in project cost means per day milk production..per day feed costing including labour ,fodder, water, electricity ..one labour raring 12 buffalo n he gets 8000 rs salary per month.
Plsssss mail me....



Please contatct us for guidance and project report for availing Term Loan & Working capital loan from Banks

G.Anand Rao B.Sc(Ag), Ex Agricultural Officer of a commercial Bank, Vijaya Agro Consultants, 9703128495, garao56@gmailcom

STEVIA CULTIVATION BANK Payable PROJECT BY Organic Innovation Assam through Google 09854093470 ( we offer buyback with free training)

The Bank Manager


I / We here by apply for financial assistance for cultivation of STEVIA CULTIVATION _________________________________.
We hereby declare that the information given herein and the statement enclosed are to the best of our knowledge and belief, true and correct in all particulars and in the event of any of the statement being found to be untrue, the facilities granted on the basis of our assertion would be liable to be repaid forthwith interest and other costs accrued thereof to the lender.

Yours faithfully
Application for financial assistance for Stevia cultivation

Project Report – An outline


1. Introduction(PURPOSE)

2. Promoters: Promoters and their background, about their professional qualifications, experience

3. Overview of the entire project.

4. Existing Status of the Unit: What is the existing activity, product line, area of market, etc.

5. Manpower

6. Infrastructure facilities: About the Equipment, Plant & Machinery, premises.

7. Clientele: About the clientele, present and prospective clients – Countries to which exports are planned – Market potential, market arrangements, plans for promoting exports, etc.

8. Financial/Technical



Stevia is an incredibly sweet herb, obtained by a natural selective breeding process of the sweetest Stevia parent plants. The sweetener, stevioside, extracted from the plants, is 300 times sweeter than sugar. The fresh leaves have nice liquorices taste.... The dried leaves of Stevia are about 40 times sweeter than sugar.

Medicinal plants (STEVIA) cultivated extensively and also in great demand in the local as well as foreign market. It is more beneficial, about four to five times, than traditional farming. Central as well as State Govt. provides all the technical support and Subsidiaries for its cultivation. __________________________________has an extensive experience in all aspects of developing and maintaining marketing strategies to meet the objectives. Strong understanding of market dynamics and requirements. For meeting the cultivation needs and other short term requirements including those of subsidiary / allied activities and consumption needs,. Requirement of expert services and advice on cropping practices, technology dissemination, crop protection from pests and diseases, market trends and prices of various crops in the market. For purchase of tractors, power tillers, trailers, combine harvester, grain threHers, sprayers, dusters, ploughs, drills, mechanical weeders or any other modern agricultural machinery. Digging/ deepening of wells, construction of tanks, ponds, drilling of bore wells, soil and water conservation waterHed development bundling land reclamation, leveling of land, terracing, conversion of dry land into wet, irrigable lands, fencing, construction of farm houses and other allied activities. Later on to keep the produce in an approved go down or warehouse enabling to sell the produce for a better price of a later date

For details Please visit Organic Innovation Assam through Google 09854093470
Organic Innovation

Please let me know the cost of report as i want to START the dairy farm

Hello Everybody,

Milk is everyday's commodity. Infact to start our day we need tea or coffee which needs milk. Then we need breakfast which further needs butter/milk/yoghurt and same is the case with lunch and dinner. Milk comes from cows or buffaloes.

It is one of the everybody's requirement. So you think how this business can take you to the heights if done exactly the way it shud be done. It is going to be an investment of money ( huge to middle level depending upon cattles) and mental as well as physical energy. A wise man would always do his home work prior to put his foot in to any business.

This 100 cow project report would give you the exact idea of the things you are going to do. Its 45 pages project report of setting a 100 cow dairy farm. Further it also contains 10 Buffaloes model project report with its economics.

It is a one spot solution to all your questions regarding dairy business.

Anybody interested in buying the report can drop me a private message or e-mail me :-


or - 88601 77105


Please let me know the cost of report as i want to START the dairy farm
