100 Cow and 10 Buffaloes Dairy Unit Project Report along with NABARD Loan Guidelines!


Dear Sir/Ma'am,


I am Santosh kumar Tiwary, working as Agri. Officer in The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd. Read about your initiatives on purchase of cattles. Our bank is interested in financing you for purchase of cattles.

I will be glad to hear more from you.

Thank you,

Best regards,

Santosh kumar Tiwary
Agriculture officer
The Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd.
Mob. No. - 09643188851
Email - santhoshkumartewari@csb.co.in, stiwary4853@gmail.com

Please contact us for project report for availing Bank term loan:

G.Ananda rao B.Sc(Ag)
Agri Finance consultant, Vijaya Agro & SME Consultants
Mobile: 9703128495
Mail: garao56@gmail.com
