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    Stevioside- natural sweetener

    The Calorie Free Natural Sweetener - Stevia Introduction The demand for high potency sweeteners is expected to increase Worldwide. The increase in the number of diabetic patients and health conscious individuals would push forward the need for alternatives to sugar. Stevia, botanically known...
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    Stevioside Unit

    We provide consultancy on stevia processing unit ste up. The stevia is converted in stevioside. we have green technology which is used to extract stevioside. This technology is first time in the world.
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    Stevia leaves

    GOOD qulaity india origin organic green naturally dried stevia leaves are availabel with us...........
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    Goog Quality Setvioside is available with us Please contact us FEATURES OF STEVIOSIDE  The naturally dried organic green leaves are used for production of white Stevioside powder.  The green leaves are collected only from the organic stevia farms which are under close supervision of HCMS...
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    Stevioside Powder

    Good quality of stevioside powder is available with us. The powder is extracted from leaves of india origin and organic. The material is available in 50 Gm( for sample) and 500 gm( Commercial purpose) packing. The sample is paid . The material is ready to dispatch the quantity is...
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    Stevia Planting Material

    Stevia planting material are on sale at competative rates....please contact us imidiatly.......... We can supply you the best quality planting material of good quality variety. Our capicity is 20 Lac plants per month. We cal also supply the stevia leaves and stevioside powder..................
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    Stevia leavse are on sale at competative rates....please contact us imidiatly.......... We can supply 50 Mt stevia leaves per month. We cal also supply the stevioside powder..................
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    Consultancy for processing of Stevia

    We provide full consultancy for processing unti set up of dry stevia leaves into Stevioside. we provide buyback assistance for the industrial production stevioside..we have all the knowledge and technology related to Stevioside processing, currently we are have established 4 stevia leaves in...
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    IF you need stevioside please contact us for India origin organic green leaves. We can supply you the 1 MT stevioside per month. We have three processing units. Our product is as per international standard. It is virgin product. It can be directly used to make the products sweet. It can be also...
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    stevia extract

    [B]Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society introduced stevia in India. HCMS is promoter of contractual farming of stevia. Currently HCMS is doing contractual farming of Stevia is 500 Acre with the help of Sunrise Agriland Development and Research (P) Ltd. HCMS is a 9001 certified organization...
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    http://’s society is facing problems from both side malnutrition and over nutrition. Due to over nutrition the people are facing a lot of problems. The excessive calorie stored in our body in the form of fat. The excessive fat leads a lot of problem like...
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    Buy back for stevia

    Due to life style of today’s world, a lot of calorie intake by people is not used. This unused calorie is hazardous for the health, which is leading a lot of health problem like diabetes, obesity, blood pressure, laziness….etc. This unused calorie intake starts from morning tea and is being...
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    Buy back for stevia

    buyback for stevia is available
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    Supply the White Stevioside Powder of India Origin.

    We are leading ISO 9001 certified NGO is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation. We are largest technology provider for the cultivation of stevia and processing of the green stevia leaves into white stevioside powder. Currently we are cultivating stevia in 500 Acre under...
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    Natural sweetner

    We are leading ISO 9001 certified NGO is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation. We are largest technology provider for the cultivation of stevia and processing of the green stevia leaves into white stevioside powder. Currently we are cultivating stevia in 500 Acre under...
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    Alternate of sugar

    Due to life style of today’s world, a lot of calorie intake by people is not used. This unused calorie is hazardous for the health, which is leading a lot of health problem like diabetes, obesity, blood pressure, laziness….etc. This unused calorie intake starts from morning tea and is being...
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    stevioside powder

    We are leading ISO 9001 certified NGO is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation. We are largest technology provider for the cultivation of stevia and processing of the green stevia leaves into white stevioside powder. Currently we are cultivating stevia in 500 Acre under...
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    Stevia extract Reb A (HOT)

    We can supply the all natural zero-calorie sweetener, Stevia extract powder. Our main products are Rebaudioside A series(Reb A 80%, Reb A95%, Reb A 97%), stevioside80%-98% and stevia STV 80%- 95% (with no aftertaste series). Welcome you to contact us for more details of stevia sugar! Please...
