HCMS are offering Stevioside white powder with the help of Sunrise Agriland Development and Research (p) Ltd. With following features.
The white powder is produced from organic green leaves.
The green leaves are harvested from the organic stevia farms.
We are leading organization working for the stevia research and cultivation. We are engaged in plantation of stevia crop. Currently we have a huge requirement of the stevia dry leaves. We want to procure the stevia leave sin bulk quantity. All the traders, farmer, growers are welcome with their...
he Calorie Free Natural Sweetener - Stevia
The demand for high potency sweeteners is expected to increase Worldwide. The increase in the number of diabetic patients and health conscious individuals would push forward the need for alternatives to sugar. Stevia, botanically known...
We can supply the best quality stevioside powder at affordable rate. This powder is Indian origin ,organic green leaves extract.This is 300 time sweeter than normal sugar. Please contact for further details.
Atul Gupta (Director)
STEVIA is a miracle herb for the Diabetic patients, This source of natural sweetener. The plant is native to tropical and subtropical regions of North America and South America. It is grown widely in countries like Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay and Venezuela. In Venezuela it is being used over 1500...
Please contact for stevia cultivation consultancy, We provide full consultancy form field visit to buy back, we can also supply the steivia planting material, organic pesticides..etc..... We have our processing unit to manufacture the stevioside.............
Stevia Rebaudiana (Latin name) commonly known as Stevia has sweetness in the leaves is due to a natural, non toxic & zero calorie substance, called stevioside which is 300 times sweeter than the cane sugar. Unlike sugar cane, that undergoes a lot of processes which make use of harmful chemicals...
We, Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society, are a Jaipur based ISO 9001:2000 Certified non government organization. We have been promoting medicinal, horticultural, Jatropha and Aromatic plantation since then and giving time to time input to the farmers from technology to marketing all over India...
The green leaves are dried by natural method. Then these leaves are processed in white stevioside powder in high tech processing units. These processing units are also established by leading business house of the INDIA under the consultancy of HCMS. Currently 14 MT green stevia...
STEVIOSIDE is extracted from the natural dried green stevia leaves. This is natural sugar free and calorie free. The normal sugar can be replaced by stevioside.
The diabetic patient can use it as alternate of sugar. They don’t need to take tension of rise in sugar level while...
Due to life style of today’s world, a lot of calorie intake by people is not used. This unused calorie is hazardous for the health, which is leading a lot of health problem like diabetes, obesity, blood pressure, laziness….etc. This unused calorie intake starts from morning tea and is being...
Good quality stevia plantying material is available with us. We can suppply on regular basis. The setvioside content is 12-18%. Wqe also provide consulatancy for stevial cultivation
Export quality stevioside whiet powder is availabel with us please let us know about your demand. We can supply you. Three quantal material is in ready stock. The powder can be used in paharmaceuitical, food and beverage industry directly. It is 100%natural, 100% calorie free, 300 time sweeter...
We are leading ISO 9001 certified NGO is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation. We are largest technology provider for the cultivation of stevia and processing of the green stevia leaves into white stevioside powder. Currently we are cultivating stevia in 500 Acre under...
STEVIA is a miracle herb for the Diabetic patients, This source of natural sweetener. The plant is native to tropical and subtropical regions of North America and South America. It is grown widely in countries like Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay and Venezuela. In Venezuela it is being used over...
STEVIOSIDE is extracted from the natural dried green stevia leaves. This is natural sugar free and calorie free. The normal sugar can be replaced by stevioside.
The diabetic patient can use it as alternate of sugar. They don’t need to take tension of rise in sugar level while...
We provide the buyback for the stevia leaves................ If you are doing cultivation of stevia you don"t need to take tension of marketing... we have our own processing unit........please contact me
Ganesh Prajapat
STEVIOSIDE is extracted from the natural dried green stevia leaves. This is natural sugar free and calorie free. The normal sugar can be replaced by stevioside.
The diabetic patient can use it as alternate of sugar. They don’t need to take tension of rise in sugar level while consuming...
STEVIA is a miracle herb for the Diabetic patients, This source of natural sweetener. The plant is native to tropical and subtropical regions of North America and South America. It is grown widely in countries like Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay and Venezuela. In Venezuela it is...