Search results

  1. R

    Cut fruit preservation

    cut fruit Dear Sanjay Cut fruits and vegetables is a very good idea. I have been associated with this and have lot of experience. The shelf life is an issue but it can be extended through proper process,packaging and cold chain up tp 10 days for certain fruits. We can help you in setting up a...
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    Chicory farming

    chicory contact us
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    Used or Consultancy required for flavour milk unit

    Flavoured milk contact
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    Consultancy service for food processing industries

    contact me at
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    need good idea to improve my coldstorage buisness

    contact me at
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    Tomato Paste Wanted

    Tomato Paste It can be organised. Please contact me at
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    Lemon store method

    Lemon Storage Method Dear Wasntha It is very challenging task which we are facing in India too,right now prices are very low. Please write to me what kind of quantity you have, any way cold store will be required for long duration storage otherwise we have to consider processing.I was in Sri...
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    Report:Production and market of Stevia Sweetener in China

    stevia Dear Sirs I am interested in the detailed report. Please contact
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    Wanted Agriculture land on lease or sale in Rajsthan and Gujarat

    Land on Lease We can arrange 100 acres near Ahmedabad. contact Rohit 9724501953,
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    curry leaf pwder or paste mnufacturing know how

    curry leaf I think freeze or vacuum drying would be the best option as colour, aroma and taste will be preserved. If interested in further details pls contact
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    Floriculture and Exotic vegetable- consultancy

    Floriculture and Exotic Vegetables. Dear Sudgakar I have party in Gujarat with 50 acres of land and they are interested taking up cultivation of high value crops. Please contact me at Rohit 9724501953
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    soy milk

    Dear Mr Singh You may contact me at 919724501972.
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    Bhut Jalokia

    Bhut Jolkia It is the most pungent chilly grown in North East. It has good export demand but cultivation is limited. May be you organise contract farming. I have heard of one company Frontier Agrotech dealing with this. Rohit 919724501953
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    Cold Store

    Please contact at 09724501953.
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    Milk Processing Plant

    Dear Upkar Singh For paid professional advice please contact me at We have planned several dairy and processed food projects. Rohit 9724501953
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    Cold Storage

    Cold store Dear Sanjay Can contact me for cold store project. Rohit 0972451953
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    Requiring green-house, farming counsultancy services around ahmedabad

    Agri Consultancy We are based at Ahmedabad and can help you right from market assessment to implementation of the project. Rohit 9724501953
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    potato powder information

    Potato powder informatio Dear Vijay The potato farmers are going to be in serious problem this year due to high level of stocks in the cold storages and crashing prices. For sustainable production of potato,one should not rely on fresh market alone and processing into value added products must...
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    Tomato Ketchup plant

    For professional advice on stting up a Ketchup Plant please contact Rohit 91-9724501953
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    Ca chambers - need quote

    CA store Dear Mr Pillai You do not require a CA store for potato storage. What you need is a high humidity chambers with CO2 extraction system,automation and other features depending upon what do want to store- seed potato, table potato or chips stock. I am representing in India Omnivent...
