Search results

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    Ashwini, Can you share with us the person who can supply animals at the given rates., please. Thanks. Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    Dairy Farm

    Hi, Cows can be made available. Please contact at for further details. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    Distillation plant for sale

    Hi, Please mail me the details and photos if possible at Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    Wanted farmers for medicinal herbs cultivation under buyback

    Hi, I can help you in contract farming. Please mail me the economics for the desired crops. at so that i can discuss with the farmers. Thanks Regards, Heramb gupte
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    Required cows, buffaloes, milkers & dairy farm consultants

    Hi, We can provide you with the required details and also help in management of the same. Please mail me your details at so that it can be studied and suitable proposition can be sent. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte 09820593918
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    consultants required

    Hi, If starting up a dairy is of your interest, do let me know. I will be happy to help you in the same. Thanks. Regards, Heramb Gupte 09820593918
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    Dairy FArming

    hi sandeep, pls specify ur location. thanks
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    Hi, Cows can be supplied to your dairy farm. Please contact at 09820593918 for further details Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    Dairy Farm

    Hi, I am based in mumbai , but can help you start it. Please mail me the details of what size you are planning to start with. If it is sizable project I can relocate on temporary basis till it is erect and operational successfully. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    Hi, There is someone who wants to start up a seed industry. If you are interested please mail me the details at Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    Dairy Farm

    Hi, For help regarding Dairy farm, please contact. I am running a dairy farm with 150 animals. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte +91 9820593918
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    Hi, No lic is required for dairy farming. If you require further help, please feel freee to contact me. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte 09820593918
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    advice needed

    Hi, If dairy is something what interests you, do let me know. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte 9820593918
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    dairy farming

    Hi, It is important to consider the lactation yeild if you want to have a successful dairy farm.
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    diary farm

    Hi, It is not advisable to have dairy farm with less than 20 animals as the cost effectiveness is not achieved. Since, you are very new to this I would suggest you take help of a good consultant.
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    Buffalo farming

    Hi, What exactly are you looking for ? Nutritional requirements to make calf fat? or cattle farm for beef ?
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    Required Suggesions

    Hi, You can definately start both on same land. That can reduce lots of expenses also, like, labors. Feed procurement also becomes easy. They are some farms wher poultry is on top and dairy below.!!!! this mite save on shed costs. THanks Regards, Heramb Gupte
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    dairy farm

    machine for what ?
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    farm information

    Buffalo - murrah cow - HF or Jersy
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    dairy farming

    Hi , Please find answers to your queries. 1) Murrah is the best breed for milking 2) 4 animals per acre is the ratio for green fodder . but, you might consider getting it done on contract basis from near by farmers. 3) You should have correct technical know how. Should you have further...
