dairy farming

I want to set up a dairy farm in Madhya Pradesh.
1) which buffalo breed would be good which gives high production of milk?
2)how much area is required for production of green fodder for 40 buffalos?
3)any negative point to be taken care of before starting such farm?

Hi ,

Please find answers to your queries.

1) Murrah is the best breed for milking
2) 4 animals per acre is the ratio for green fodder . but, you might consider getting it done on contract basis from near by farmers.
3) You should have correct technical know how.

Should you have further doubts or need help you may contact me at herambgupte@gmail.com or 09820593918

Heramb Gupte

Dear SP999 ,

We have all the solutions for your needs to set up Buffalo farm Project in M.P. state , becoz I am also from the MP and we can serve you as a Dairy Project Consultant.. Plz mak me response on PM or search me in Google Dairy Consultant Forum ..
We can establish your Dream Dairy Project at your own Agro – Commercial land area and with Complete infrastructure for Farm sector based on Productive herd , shed design and construction , bio gas and waste recycling management , milking parlor , Milking machines , vaccines , dairy lab equipments , medicines , productive and reproductive technologies , Vety. Clinic set up , cooling equipments , dairy farm sanitizers , nutrition for productive animals , routine shed + milking + feeding + breeding + milk process section management , Cattle Feed Unit , Manpower management etc…


With all best wishes ,

Dr. D.N. Sarkar
GGDFCS India - Ratlam .
Mob.: 094245-29457 / 081034-88787 / 094248-24775

I want to set up a dairy farm in Madhya Pradesh.
1) which buffalo breed would be good which gives high production of milk?
2)how much area is required for production of green fodder for 40 buffalos?
3)any negative point to be taken care of before starting such farm?
