P ps1212 New Member Jul 29, 2013 #1 Hello, We want to set up a modern dairy farm of high milk yielding breed like HF/Jersy/Saiwal in Kolkata. Any dairy professional available in Kolkata to help us setting up the same
Hello, We want to set up a modern dairy farm of high milk yielding breed like HF/Jersy/Saiwal in Kolkata. Any dairy professional available in Kolkata to help us setting up the same
H herambgupte Active Member Aug 2, 2013 #2 Hi, I am based in mumbai , but can help you start it. Please mail me the details of what size you are planning to start with. If it is sizable project I can relocate on temporary basis till it is erect and operational successfully. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte herambgupte@gmail.com
Hi, I am based in mumbai , but can help you start it. Please mail me the details of what size you are planning to start with. If it is sizable project I can relocate on temporary basis till it is erect and operational successfully. Thanks Regards, Heramb Gupte herambgupte@gmail.com