Search results

  1. T

    Income expected from Milia Dubia plantation per acre

    Melia Dubia. Please any one have confirmed news on this. In COimbatore i have seen no one is ready to buy these trees. Or else i will be glad to know the regular buyers for this tree. Regards, Texpert.
  2. T

    Land Reforms in India

    Yes, Sir. There must be strict law to save the agri lands, even though the so called laws we have are not properly implemented. With out agri our country is totally dependable on the imports. Investment purpose agri land which is kept idle for more than 6 months has to be heavily...
  3. T

    Drip online offer 25,000/- per acre get 15% additional discount over 5 acres

    ------------------------------------- Let me have your contact address please. Regards, Texpert.
  4. T

    TATA Manual knapsack sprayer on sale for 900/-

    Please send me the photo, regards, Texpert.
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    Drip online offer 25,000/- per acre

    This is Texpert, Can you give some more details on this? How to coantct you as i am intrested in going for drip. My location is near Dindigul, South India.. Your are located in which area? Regards, Texpert.
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    Wal Mart Entering India

    Walmart entry To Market our agri products why we need an outside company? Why we are not using our high popualtion for our business advantage? It should be a low cost high volume business concept for a long term profitable business. Regards, TEXPERT
  7. T

    Wanted Wanted caretaker for a small farm house

    Labour salary. No, it is not. Since last 3 months i am searching for the same and i offered them 8000 rs/month, but many guys visited and asked for a big advance..they are not intrested in monthly salary. How we can pay a hugesum with out knowing them in detail. Texpert.
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    Plant malabar veep in10acres & earn 1.8cr in 6 years-

    Malabar veep. HI! I saw your info on this site. Can you furnish more details about this Malabar veep as i am planning now for some new plantation. Regards,
  9. T

    organic vegetable shop from your home

    Organic. Mr. Arun, Yes, this concept must be implemented in every home. And i would like to know, in th emethod you called as Organic defines what? I mean the way the plants are grown in your home with what type of organic / pest control( for the insects) you have used? Your feed back...
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    Coconuts -products

    Coconut seedlings. Hi!.. Do you have coconut seedlings of Hybrid Rajamundry variety? Please let me know. Regards, TEXPERT.
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    Free/Organic Manures Methds/Book it

    Yes, i would like to receive the same. In fact now i am planning for an organic farming in my land. Please send the same.
