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  1. G

    Urgently in need of Curcuma Caesia (Black Turmeric) Rhizome for Plantation

    turmeric is grown in arunachala pradesh and north eastern states as wild. perhaps it may not grow in other parts of india as i have seen the environment is very different. one may try in western ghats where the environment is more or less alike
  2. G

    Open Discussion - What do you feel about investing in Agriculture ?

    i have taken agriculture right at an young age.i had never looked for income from agriculture. i have not bothered to amass money or wealth which are not realistic. i have no money to invest in land or agri business. i work in the field as a labour who has developed the vedic...
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    Hydroponic Farming

    hydroponics farming can be tried in vishakha. but it neea lot of initial investment. one has to decide the method and the investment. organic liquid manure cum plant protector can be provided by us. one can contact on
  4. G

    black turmeric

    location is very important. it is grown in wild in arunachala pradesh. perhaps the location in karnataka may not be viable for this. one may try in western ghats.if you need more information you can talk to me on
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    Natural Farming Workshop by Shri Subhash Palekar

    no, sri palekarji has never implemented his own methods in his own field near akola in vidharbha. he is creating unneccesary hype . none of his mehods have been implemented on a large scale anywhere. it is better he practices his own methods in his own land and then let his work speak and not he...
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    Cosultancy for Biofertilizers, biopesticides, organic growth promoters, biodiesel etc

    biopesticides please provide the details... Please contact....
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    Natural Farming Workshop by Shri Subhash Palekar

    has sri subash palekarji implemented his methods on his own in large scale agriculture in say 100 200 acres of land, preferably in drought prone vidharbha from where he hails from? is it possible to implement over a large scale in one go. are there any field level demonstrations, where one can...
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    Banana plastic

    the waste of banana plants can be converted into utiloity products for agriculutre. it need not be thrown out leading to pollution problem. will any oine be interested.
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    Nregs a serious problem

    yes, when the government does not want any one to grow food but to build so many concrete things like roads, buildings for community, why one should bother agriculture. the boss is always right. it is certain that the agriculture has co0llapsed in india but no0t declared yet.
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    Why is organic certification so costly ??

    because organic farming is for the rich, by the rich and tio the rich. this is made so to keep the poor and marginal farmers away from organic farming though they are doing really organic farming. this is a circle of vested interests. we cannot help. this is the position.
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    Jatropha Seeds - Oil Content Testing ?

    oilcontentinjatriopha any laboratory testing the ocntents will be able to help you, they charge about ras.100 or 200/- per testing or so.
