Why is organic certification so costly ??



Active Member
The costs and charges asked by the certification agencies to certify the organic produce are beyond the reach of the farmers who wish to do organic farming.
majority of the farmers are having less than 10 acres of land and are not able to form a group due to their geographical loaction and surroundings.

Please inform if anyone has knowledge about any government initiative for the organic certification for small farmers, who intends to diversify gradually to the organic farming.

ketan shah
website : Naturally Grown
Email : info@naturallygrown.co.in
Telephone : 0 93 22 22 15 44


Well-Known Member
Organic Certification

Hi Ketan

In India more than 80 per cent farmers are small and marginal. Govt. of India provides supports in Group certification. You can contact APEDA for this. States like Uttrakhand have Uttrakhand Organic Commodity Board who are assisting farmers in group certification.


Manoj Singh


Active Member
because organic farming is for the rich, by the rich and tio the rich. this is made so to keep the poor and marginal farmers away from organic farming though they are doing really organic farming. this is a circle of vested interests. we cannot help. this is the position.
