Search results

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    Permissions required to grow sandal wood and red sandal trees

    Dera 9742803260, Cultivation of sandal is not required any permissiom from any body.but when you think about cutting you should take forest dept approval.aftter cultivation you should intimate your distric forest officr DFO.Any details call me on 09866672765.
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    Wanted Wanted farmers for medicinal herbs cultivation cousunltancy under buyback

    Dear Keerthihulikunte, can you send your contact details or can you call me on this number 09866672765 regarding Alovera cultivation. Regards, Madhav
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    Interested to start medicinal plant farming

    Dear All we will guide you into medicinal plants cultivation.for more details please feel free to contact me on 09866672765. Regards, Madhav
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    Wanted Aloe vera suckers 50,000 needed from Coimbatore, Tirupur or Erode district

    Dear Sir, I will supply if from me on09866672765.
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    Wanted Wanted farmers for medicinal herbs cultivation cousunltancy under buyback

    Medicinal herbs cultivation under buyback The new season started for Medicinal plants and spices cultivation.this listed some herbs are in the list of government subsidy for more details feel free to contact. The New season is started for Medicinal Herbs cultivation for this year. Our main...
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    Wanted nannari roots

    Dear Sir, How much root you need?is ir regular? Regards Madhav 09866672765
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    Wanted nannari roots

    Dear Sir, How much root you need?is ir regular? Regards Madhav 09866672765
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    Hi i want information about aloe vera farming

    We can give baby plants of Alovera....with buy back more details please feel free to call 9866672765.
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    Malbar neem information

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    Wanted Aloe Vera - market in Hyderabad

    we can buy ALOVERA. supply baby plants of Alovera. Madhav 09866672765 Hyderabad
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    Aloe Vera farming near Hyderabad

    we can give buyback for Alovera.. arrang planting material of herbs. Madhav 09866672765 Hyderabad
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    Wanted Wanted farmers for medicinal herbs cultivation cousunltancy under buyback

    Hi All, We can guide farmers who are having interest to cultivate herbs and spices like ALOVERA,MUCUNA,MUSK DANA,BASIL,ASWHAGANDH,RED SANDER,QUINOA,CHIA,STEVIA...Etc,we can give buyback for this crops,give project reports.government subsidy we will work it out. Feel free to contact for more...
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    Quinoa seed We can supply quinoa seed. Regards, madhav 09866672765
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    We can supply quinoa seed. Regards, madhav 09866672765
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    Required Wanted Farmers for medicinal plants cultivation under buyback

    Wanted farmers for herbal cultivation Dear Sir/Madam, We are Hyderabad based company doing herbal exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.herbs cultivation can possible like inter crop.We can provide you planting materials.Farmers from Andhra N...
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    Required Wanted Farmers for medicinal plants cultivation under buyback

    Dear Sir/Madam, We are Hyderabad based company doing herbal exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.herbs cultivation can possible as inter crop in Mango, mosambi, redgrem, red sander,any other long term plantations.We can provide you planting materials.Farmers...
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    Ashwgandha seed

    How much seed you require...? I will give you Rs 80 per kg.
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    Medical Plant rate

    Aswhagandha rate depend up on quality. Today price is 45 to max rs.310 per kg. Regards madhav 09866672765
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    less investment and less supervision and good returns on herbal,spices cultivation

    The new season started for Medicinal plants and spices cultivation.this listed some herbs are in the list of government subsidy for more details feel free to contact. The New season is started for Medicinal Herbs cultivation for this year. Our main focus will be on the Herbs and Spices...
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    Wanted 5000 - 10000 acres land...Urgent

    contract farming of medicinal and spices need very less investment Dear All, we are from Hyderabad,we are doing contract farming of medicinal and spices plants.some crops need very less investment and less observation.some kind of subsidy from government we can get.any one interested for...
