Search results

  1. M

    Wanted Wanted Farmers for medicinal plants cultivation under buyback through govt.subsidy.

    Dear Sir/Madam, We are Hyderabad based company, doing herbal and spices exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal and spices cropes like Asgandh,Alovera,Basil,Red sandel,Chia,Calamus,Mucuna,Etc.herbs and spices cultivation can possible as inter crop in...
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    Aloevera Farming , Kheda, Gujarat

    we can buy Alovera,we offer buyback for that. madhav 9866672765 Hyderabad
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    Wanted Aloe vera cultivation help required

    we can guide you in alovera cultivation,provide planting material,cultivation method,buyback for your produce. more details please feel free to call 9866672765.
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    We want cultivation of Aloe lvera. Please suggest, which type of aloe plant variety

    we can provide good planting material for Alovera.we can give buyback. more details feel free to call on 9866672765
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    I am interested in farming of Sandal wood trees

    Hi Sir, we can supply and give service for herbal and medicinal plants with buyback. madhav 9866672765
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    Wanted Wanted farmers for medecinal plants cultivation under buyback

    Dear Rupesh ji call u aeap. Regards Madhav 9866672765
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    we can give buyback for alovera...9866672765
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    I am interested in ALOE VERA farming

    we can supply planting material and we can offer buyback for alovera. more details call me on 9866672765
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    dear reddy garu please send u r cell no for alovera cultivation details or call me on 9866672765,i am from Hyderabad,we can give buyback for alovera.
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    Required Wanted Farmers for medicinal plants cultivation under buyback

    Dear Sir/Madam, We are Hyderabad based company doing herbal exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.herbs cultivation can be possible as inter crop in Mango, mosambi, redgrem, red sander,any other long term plantations.We can provide you planting...
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    Medicinal herbs cultivation under buyback

    Dear Sir/Madam, We are Hyderabad based company doing herbal exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.herbs cultivation can be possible as inter crop in Mango, mosambi, redgrem, red sander,any other long term plantations.We can provide you planting...
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    Wanted Wanted farmers for medecinal plants cultivation under buyback

    Dear Sir/Madam, We are Hyderabad based company doing herbal exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.herbs cultivation can be possible as inter crop in Mango, mosambi, redgrem, red sander,any other long term plantations.We can provide you planting...
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    I want to start aloevera and tulsi plantation.

    we can guide yoa in herbal cultivaetion,alovera ,tulsi we can supply planting maretial,we can give you buyback. more details call me on 09866672765
  14. M

    What crops can I grow in 80 beeghas land in Jaisalmer, with tubewell and running sweet water

    We can give buyback for aloevera we will guide you in cultivation of alover. Inter crops we can suggest in Aloevera. More details please call on 9866672765
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    Herbal farming training info required

    Hi We can guide you in herbal farming and we will train you. We will give buyback for herbs,up to marketing. More details please feel free to call on 9866672765. Regards Madhav
  16. M

    I need loan to cultivate medicinal plants in Odisha

    How many acer land it is? color of land? water availability? budget for acer? If u r interested to grow medicinal plants? If yes ..... call me at 9866672765. We can supply planting materials and support.Buyback your produce. Regards Madhav
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    which is the best herbal Crop that can be sown in October to December

    Go for sweet basil ...130 days crop.water required 3 time's in a can get 30k income.detail for cultivation please feel free to call on9866672765
  18. M

    Alovera Farming information needed

    Hi sir, We are from Hyderabad.we can help you in alovera farming.we can supply planting material and we will give buyback.for more details please call us 9866672765
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    please give suggession for alo vera farming

    We can give buyback for alovera. Regards Madhav 9866672765
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    What crops can I grow in 80 beeghas land in Jaisalmer, with tubewell and running sweet water

    Dear sir Please think about aloe can get 1lakh per 1 acer and inter crops give 40k in 5 month.more details please feel free to make a call on 9866672765.we can explain.
