Search results

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    goat farming help

    I am intrested in your hand book.Please mail me your conatct details to or call me on 08056233111
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    cattle shed,roofing,fencing at low cost

    please call me at 08056233111.
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    No Loss --- Farming thats Sheep /Goat Farming with only rising demand for meat..

    If any body intrested in buying 35 rambouliet sheeps please conatct me .it is for imediate sale.
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    Murrah buffaloes and heifers

    Anybody intrested in the the below Murrah animals please conatct me. Two 7 month pregnant buffalos. One 5 month pregnant buffalo. 2 milking buffalos. 7 Heifer and i male heirfer all one to one and half year old. We are planning to sell all the above and all of them a very good breed so...
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    wanted 100 hf cows

    Anybody intrested in cows please conatct me 08056233111.I can supply you good quality HF cows.
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    Sheep meat regular supply

    Hi Kannaiyan, we have sheep (Rambouliet) 35 nos,with us at tirupur.We are palnniogn to sell it for the above prices live weight. Please contact me if you need the same. P.Arunkumar 08056233111.
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    Lucerne Seed(Alfalfa Seed) Supplier

    Hi Jaimin Patel, please note that we are dairy farmere and have lurcne cultivated for 7 acres and we are facing a problem with Cuscuta on all the 7 acres.So we are palnnig to clear the land and cultivate it with cusata free seeds. Pleae give me you conatcts or conatcme me on the bleo details...
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    Rambouliet sheeps for sale.

    we have around 27 adults felame 1 male and 7 kids for sale. We are based in Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu. Please conatct me if needed
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    Muraa Baffello Purchased

    Hi i have 5 murahh helathy, high yeilding buffalos at different stages 1 just claved. 3 pregnant fo different stages. 1 3 months after calving. Any intrested parties please contact me.08056233111.
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    Murrah Buffelo Required - Bangalore

    Please call me to get you murrah buffalo. 08056233111.
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    wanted 30 hf cows

    call me for hf cows on 08056233111...
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    Wanted HF cows

    can provide hf cows please call me for pure hf cows...08056233111....
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    Need Murrah buffalos

    Please conatct me as we have murrah buffalos and heifers for sale. 08056233111
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    Rambouillet for sale!!

    Dear All, We are ready to sell ramboulliet kids and adults. We are located in Tirupur, tamil Nadu. People intrsted in buying them can call me at 08056233111. Regards/Arun 08056233111.
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    Want organic manure

    Cow dung avalaibale in tirupur Anybody intrested in regurlar need of cow dung we can supply on regular basis as we have dairy farm of 100 animals. We are based in tirupur so pleople nearby can make use of this opportunity. Please call me on 08056233111.
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    wanted sheep wool shearing machine

    I would also need a shearing machine for my sheep. Please inform me if the same is avalaioble. Arun kumar 08056233111
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    Dairy Farm - Need help

    Please contact me for high yeilding Hf cows na d Murrah. 08056233111
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    Can provide Hf cows and Murrah Buffalo

    Please be informed that the below perosn is the perfect person to buys animal in and around banglore. Mr.Gopal Naidu 09449151197 Banglore.
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    Used Milking Machine

    used miliking mnachine if any body is intrested in used milking machine with single bucket please conatcm me
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    milk processing plant

    Please send me your contact details to
