I am interested please call me on 08956333111 or mail me u r number on arun.iipm@ gmail.if what you say is true I am wIlling to buy it immediately for my farm of 100 hf cows.
Can any one advise me or help me setting up Mini Milk Pasteurization Plant for small dairy farms Cap: 500 liter per hr as i have 100 cows and 20 buffalos.
Please call me on 08056233111 or mail me at arun.iipm@gmail.com.
Hi we have 34 rambouliet sheep(In Tirupur, tamil nadu) a herd and they are one of th eworlds best mutton breed and planning to sell them. If yoyur are intrested please call me on 08056233111 or mail me at arun.iipm@gmail.com.
hi Madu..i am from tamil nadu and want to set up mushroom farm for which i need some guidance..can u help me and give your conatct or call me on 08056233111 or arun.iipm@gmail.com
Hi Vitali...we are a dauiry farm with already 50 cows(In Tamil Nadu, tirupur) and looking for expansion and divisifying and looking forward for somebody to help me finace the same on expansion.
Conact me on 08056233111 or arun.iipm@gmail.com