Search results

  1. S

    Oyster Mushroom cultivation Training centers in Indore (MP) including Finance, Setup,

    Hi, Please let me know about Training Centers in INDORE (Madhya Pradesh) for Mushroom Cultivation for Short-term Trainings. Also let me know if MP Government encougares to start Mushroom Farming and provides Finance. And what is the grower's contribution for the loan. Thanks! Sharad m...
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    Mushroom cultivation

    Thanks for your note. From last 2 years, we are willing to start mushroom farming in Indore region (MP) but was unable to initiate it as we could not find any source or guidance for this. Please let us know what services we can get to start and run a mushroom farm including "training, financing...
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    Mushroom Slicing Machine

    Thanks! Please provide us the PRICING and SIZEs for various models of this unit. Regards Sharad S m.9325373289
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    Hi, Thanks for your note. From last 2 years, we are willing to start mushroom farming in Indore (Madhyapradesh) region but was unable to initiate it as we could not find any source or guidance for this. Please let us know what services we can get to start and run a mushroom farm including...
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    We provide onsite consultation, we buyback mushrooms you produce with our help

    Thanks for your valuable note. I have just dropped an email to your above email id alongwith my requirement. Please have a look. Looking forward for your reply. Thanks! Regards Sharad m.9325373289
  6. S

    Loan for Mushroom cultivation".

    Thanks! Please can you provide me the contact details for the person/department in Indore (MP) region for further communication regarding training, project report and loan process. Regards. Sharad S 9325373289
  7. S

    Loan for Mushroom cultivation".

    Thanks for your note. From last 2 years, I am also willing to start mushroom farming on full-scale but was unable to initiate it as I could not find any source or guidance for this. Please let me know what services you can provide us to start and run a mushroom farm including training and...
  8. S

    Loan for Mushroom cultivation".

    Thanks "Gajanan99" for your note. From last 2 years, I am also willing to start mushroom farming on full-scale but was unable to initiate it as I could not find any source or guidance for this. Please let me know what services you can provide us to start and run a mushroom farm including...
  9. S

    Wanted We Require Best quality Mushrooms in Chennai

    Standard Rate of Oyster Mushrooms I surprise if we can sale Oyster Mushroom @ Rs. 225 / Kg. I though it can be sold @ Rs. 125 - 150 / kg But I am not sure. Regards
  10. S

    Wanted We Require Best quality Mushrooms in Chennai

    I surprise if we can sale Oyster Mushroom @ Rs. 225 / Kg. I though it can be sold @ Rs. 125 - 150 / kg But I am not sure. Regards
  11. S

    Mushroom seeds

    I am a mushroom hobbyist and growing mushrooms for self-consumption from last 5 years. I am looking for button mushroom spawns (2 kg max). Please let me know the minimum quantity for button mushroom spawns I can buy from you. Regards
  12. S

    Mushroom seeds

    I am a mushroom hobbyist and growing mushrooms for self-consumption from last 5 years. I am looking for button mushroom spawns (2 kg max). Please let me know the minimum quantity for button mushroom spawns I can buy from you. Regards
  13. S

    Mushroom seeds

    Thanks for providing addresses: I am a mushroom hobbiest and growing mushrooms for self-consumption from last 5 years. And I require small quantity of spawns (say 2 kg max). Please let me know minimum quantity for button mushroom spawns I can buy from you. Regards Sharad
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    Oyster Mushrooms - Sowra

    Hi, Please provide us contacts of Bulk-buyers for Oyster Mushrooms in the region of Kashipur/Nainital/Almora ( in Uttrakhand State ) Regards Shaks
  15. S

    White button mushroom growing unit for SALE

    Hi P. Muniandi, Hope you are doing well. I was interested to start a button But after seeing your ad regarding selling your unit I am a bit confused if this is really a profitable profession. Please let me know if you are selling due to less mushroom awareness in market, less...
  16. S

    Mushroom cultivation

    Regarding Loan for this project Thanks for this statictics. I am also planning to start mushroom farming in the Uttra Khand area probably coming year. My budget is 20 lac max. Please let me know if U.K. govt has any scheme for Loan in developing a production unit at lower-scale including...
  17. S

    Mushrooms cultivation

    Do you also provide White Button Mushroom Spawns Hi, I am Mushroom hobbiest from Pune and want Button Mushroom cultivation on small scale. Please let me know minimum how much quantity of spawn generally you supply. Regards Surendra
