Mushroom cultivation



New Member
I am planning to setup a mushroom cultivation unit in kashipur of uttarakhand .my tentative plan capacity is around 250mt/year.I need help from the group reagrding procedure for setting it,tentative cost,market of mushroom.please help me.

kirti s

Well-Known Member
Dear sir,

to be economical yr target minimum side should be 50kg/day suited varieties are Milky and Button pls check with Y.S Parmer University of Horticulture and solan for details . Market it is no so organized one has to establish market for mushroom like , fresh in retail out lets , Hotels & restorent , dry mushroom for powder export.
cost of production / bag of 2.5 kg=30 to 45 Rs. selling cost 60 to 80 whole sale.

Kirti s


New Member
dear sir,
thanks for suggestion.
will you please suggest me whom to contact for exports and domestic marketing



Regarding Loan for this project

to be economical yr target minimum side should be 50kg/day suited varieties are Milky and Button pls check with Y.S Parmer University of Horticulture and solan for details . Market it is no so organized one has to establish market for mushroom like , fresh in retail out lets , Hotels & restorent , dry mushroom for powder export.
cost of production / bag of 2.5 kg=30 to 45 Rs. selling cost 60 to 80 whole sale.

Kirti s
Thanks for this statictics.

I am also planning to start mushroom farming in the Uttra Khand area probably coming year. My budget is 20 lac max. Please let me know if U.K. govt has any scheme for Loan in developing a production unit at lower-scale including training/market-buildup.

Please provide me the step-by-step breakups.

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How to calculate the economical

Kirti, S reply was more informative.
Anyone Pls elaborate how to calculate the break even point for economical.


Well-Known Member
mushroom industry

Mushroom industry has tremendous scope in India as well as in foreign countries,
It is the best option chosen by the vegetarian peoples for the meat, fresh, raw and also for dry mushrooms market is good and going always for better, peoples are now days more interested in exporting their quality goods, From the resent news Mushroom production has tremendous scope in Tamil Nadu.
Always try for the best!
All the best and thanks for sharing.
