Search results

  1. maarifalhind

    Wanted healthy tips to double the growth of teak plant.

    Sir You can call me for this kind of problems. We use fermented bio manure and agro-homeopathy products soil power and G-power. These Products definitely double the Growth. Call me for more information 09997347272.
  2. maarifalhind

    Wanted healthy tips to double the growth of teak plant.

    Sir You can call me for this kind of problems. We use fermented bio manure and agro-homeopathy products soil power and G-power. These Products definitely double the Growth. Call me for more information 09997347272.
  3. maarifalhind

    Wanted Wanted wheat suppliers on regular basis.

    Sir You can call us for regular supply of wheat. 09997347272
  4. maarifalhind

    I wish to to start sugarcane juice bottling project

    Sugarcane Juice is very ideal for human health. But preservation will be more difficult as sugarcane juice has fermentation process. Well it is Good Idea.
  5. maarifalhind

    How much profit can be generated from 40,000 sq mt of farm from cultivation.

    Sir, farming profit depends on crop selection and market value of production. Approximate profit from 1000 sq mt of land remains 10000 to 20000 plus. If you have 1000 sq mt poly house then profit will be 10 times in a year. You can call me for more information 09997347272/09058000145
  6. maarifalhind

    Need professional consultation for Organic farming @ 100Acres in Maharashtra.

    You can contact me for organic farming with agrohomeopathy and bio-dynamic techniques. 09997347272 Thanks
  7. maarifalhind

    Suggest to startup sagwan tree plantation / marketing.

    You can buy best quality Sagwan tree plants for planting in your field from Eliya Evergreen Nursery in Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh. You need 2000 plants for 4 acres land if you want to cover the field with sagawan. You can sell these timber in wood market. There is no problem to sell the sagwan wood.
