Search results

  1. N

    Wanted Experienced Partners for Cultivation of Mushrooms

    We have been growing White Buttons for 15 years now, We have a 1000 kgs per day (370 TPA) farm near Mumbai, if its white buttons you want, please contact me.
  2. N

    want to visit a agriculture farm

    You are welcome to visit my farm near Mumbai, we grow 1000 kgs per day of white button mushrooms (Agaricus Bisporus). You'll have to send me your details though as i'm not a paid member.
  3. N

    mushroom cultivation

    > We have rainfall about 20inches annually. > I want to know that this place is suitable for mushroom farming. > No barrier of investment. > how much land required for that. > whats the profit? > whats the time limit? > and whats the procedure to start the business? > please sugguest...
  4. N

    button mushroom cultivation project repore required

    Go for a Ton a day to get a reasonable Economy of scale... About 3 cr should be enough for a 16 room two tunnel design.
  5. N

    Mushroom Farming

    Several I'll name a few. 1: White Button Mushrooms 2: Oyster Mushrooms (Several Types) 3: Shiitake 4: Paddy Straw Mushroom 5: Black Ear Mushrooms (several Types) 6: Enoki 7: Morels 8: Truffles 10: Porcini or Ceps 11:Portabella and probably a couple of thousand lesser known species.
  6. N

    Mushroom Farming

    Which mushrooms do you want to farm? White Button/Oysters/Others
  7. N

    button mushroom cultivation and sales

    Minimum scale required is about 1000 kgs per day, wont be feasible under that.. Best way would be to get an experienced farmer to guide you...
  8. N

    Mushroom Farming

    1. I'll try to answer for White Button Mushrooms, Others can tell you about alternate vareities 2. Markets for fresh produce is mainly in the big cities. You can export canned mushrooms. 3. Basic knowledge of Mushroom Growing required, attend a course at NRCM, Solan. 4. I'll club Infrastructure...
  9. N

    Mushroom cultivation

    Which mushrooms do you have in mind? Your question is as general as saying you are interested in growing fruits...
  10. N

    What is the fertilizer for mushroom ?????

    Fertilizer for mushrooms We use poultry manure... and a little urea to soften straw. (for white buttons)
  11. N

    Cocopeat for mushroom cultivation ???

    Paddy straw near bombay is 2300 per ton and wheat straw is 3200 per ton.. We use sugarcane bagasse at 3200 per ton at our farm for buttons. As for bagging compost, about 15 people should be able to bag 10,000 kgs per day. again these are white button mushroom figures
  12. N

    Cocopeat for mushroom cultivation ???

    Cocopeat as substrate.. Coco peat can only be used as casing soil and not substrate for mushrooms requiring casing soil like buttons and milkys... It has no nutritional value and great water holdong capacity, two important chatacteristics for casing.
  13. N

    mushroom farming

    My two bits based on western india (Gujarat / Maharashtra/Goa) Oyster - Keeping quality does not matter as they can be dried. But no demand at all. you can get dry chinese oyster mushrooms cheaper than growing them here. Milky- I assume you are talking about Calocybe indica - we call them false...
  14. N

    For Start ups

    if you're only 40 kms from Banglore your land prices will not justify crops/orchards etc. go for capital intensive farming like greenhouses/mushrooms/hydroponics/tissue culture labs/dairy. My experience is that with your land worth you will earn more in a fixed deposit than in traditional...
  15. N

    mushroom cultivation centers

    Dont go to Govt training centers.. they know very little.. go to the nearest farm and spend a week with the owners.
  16. N

    Mushroom Farming

    Dont know about Andhra Local, but Mumbai has no (or a very tiny) market for oyster mushrooms. While Mumbai consumes above 5 tons per day of fresh button mushrooms. Should be the same in Andhra. Problem with Buttons is that its highly capital intensive. For Buttons, A 2000 TPD project would take...
  17. N

    Central assistance for green house farming

    NHB will provide with upto Rs. 25,00,000/- subsidy or 20% of project cost whichever is lower. Please contact...
  18. N

    need soil ph tester for farm

    Use PH papers.. Dissolve soil in Distilled water, and dip a PH and its done. Ph meters need to be calibrated often and you dont need that sort of accuracy for soil. Ph papers are available in any chemical market.
  19. N

    Possibility of Musroom farming

    We have been growing Button mushrooms near Mumbai for over fifteen years now.. its better to be dedicated to any one type of mushroom.. its not possible to have batch wise cultivation of different species.. because of the high retail price, its possible to grow buttons under airconditioning all...
