Mushroom Farming



New Member
We are new in Mushroom farming field and want to do a feasibility study before materializing. We are planning to pilot it in Bihar. Can somebody answer few of these questions.
1 Mushroom Farming
2 Where is the market for the product
3 What is the skill required
4 What are the equipment required?
5 What raw materials are required?
6 Are raw materials easily available?
7 Is there any health hazard associated with the production
8 What to train?
9 How to train? Infrastructure requirement
10 Who will train?
11 Number of days of training
12 Cost of training
13 How much a person can earn in a day (8 Hrs working)
14 Will we get manpower throughout the session?
15 Will we the worker borrow money and produce?
16 How will we structure payment to worker to recover the training fee and loan installment
17 Will a vendor supply raw material or do we have to invest
18 What all are required for production?
19 How will the raw material reach?
20 Who will manage the production including quality?
21 Who will sell the product?
22 Is the product seasonal?
23 What will be the volume that the vendor can buy
24 What is it that we can sell?
25 What will be our revenue?
26 How will we get paid?


I think you should first get a CD from anthony......

then try about something more...........

for free info

watch the youtube video

Mushroom Production Technology

YouTube - Mushroom Production Technology - 1st- part

YouTube - Mushroom Production Technology -2nd- part
Please contact..
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1. I'll try to answer for White Button Mushrooms, Others can tell you about alternate vareities
2. Markets for fresh produce is mainly in the big cities. You can export canned mushrooms.
3. Basic knowledge of Mushroom Growing required, attend a course at NRCM, Solan.
4. I'll club Infrastructure and Equipment for a 1000 kgs per day project, about 50,000 sqft built up space with 4 tunnels, 6 Bunkers, 30 growing rooms a compost yard, machinery room and godowns. For machinery you will need air conditioning machinery (approx 150 TR) Tunnel machinery, two front loaders for the compost a 200 kg per hour boiler and 100% back up DG set (250 Kva)
5.Best materials are wheat straw/bagasse and paddy straw along with poultry manure and de oiled cakes.
6. Yes in most places in India.
7. No, not at all. Though in large scale oyster cultivation spores can cause allergies. None in buttons though.
9. Ask a nearby farm if they can train your people, for infrastructure refer above to 4.
10. Above, also contact NRCM, Solan.
11. Depends, if you hire an experienced grower a month is ok.. Dont do it completely on your own.
12. No idea.. contact NRCM, Solan
13. A 360 TPA project should earn about 7 lacs a month not counting bank EMIs and promoters salaries.
14. Yes you should..
15. Contact your bankers, this is a priority sector so they will be interested.
16. Get a project report made.. should be feasible over 7 years.
17. You will have to stock up for the whole year and providing godowns for the monsoons.
18. Too big a list.. :)
19. Trucks?
20. Get an experienced Plant Manager.. Doing it alone could cause massive losses.
21. You will have to.. locate wholesellers in big cities and big hotels.
22. Nope.. 1000 kgs every day all year.. fluctuating between 800 to 1200..
23. a big city like bombay and delhi can take over 3000 to 4000 kgs per day.. dont limit yourself to a single vendor though.. if you have 1000 distribute between at least 3-4 people.
24. Mushrooms, spent compost.
25. 1000 kgs per day should give you 25,00,000/- per month.. cost of production should be 15 to 18 lacs.
26. Its a cash thing... Weekly payments are a norm. Hotels will delay paments for a month or two. All in all not a big headache.

All the above are based on my farm near Mumbai which is 1000 kgs per day.

Hope this helps.
