Panchakavya ,vermicompost & mango plantation
Dear Sir,
Thanks for your valuable advice. I will surely try these to get better results.
Can you please give panchakavya preparation method? Also what is vermicompost and how to do this? when i googled, i saw like it is composting wastes with red worms.
But i am not sure how to do this.
In my mango trees young leaves are growing good. But before it start flowering, all young leaves get cut and fall off from the tree. This happens within one week after the leaves emerge. I don't know the reason for this. Can you please suggest some solution for this?
1.Fresh cowdung - 5 kgs
2.cow urine - 3 litres
3.cow milk - 2 litres
4.curd made of cowmilk - 2 litre
5.pure ghee made of cow milk - 1 litre
6.sugarcane juice - 3 litre
7.tender coconut water - 3 litre
8.Ripe banana fruit - 12 fruits
9.Toddy - 2 litres
Mix fresh cowdung 5 kgs well with 1 litre ghee in a plastic container, keep it for 3 days stirring well twice a day. On 4 th day pour it in a wide mouthed container made of either plastci , cement or earthen vessel and add all other materials into it , mix it well with hand , place it under shade covering mouth with wire mesh
Daily stir the content twice or more so as to increase air circulation which will boost growth of microbial population ..
In 21 days panchakavy is ready for can be kept for about 6 months with definite care..
This contain macro nutrients, micro nutrients growth promoters, enzyme and amino acids
Panchakavy acts as both liquid fertilizers ( 75% ) and insecticide ( 25 % )
Vermicompost pit of the size 4' breath*3' height * convenient length
cover with thatched shed made of coconut fronds providing 70% darkness
see that rain water does not fall over it
First layer-cowdung , farmyard manure, slurry of bio gas plant, or other cattle manure 9-12 inch thickness are spread under the shade either tree or thatches ..
Second layer- kitchen waste, green leaves , town waste, hostel waste, vegetable waste in market are powdered and placed over first layer
third layer - as laid in first layer
fourth layer- as laid in 2nd layer
fifth layer - as laid in first layer
the layer thus raised to 5-6' height. Moisture is maintained at 40% stirred up once in a week .In 6-7 weeks this will get decomposed and will become food for earhtworm
The compost pit must be buit of cement in east west direction with little sunlight be allowed ..
Pit must be built with provision in the bottom to drain excess water
The decomposed material is filled in vermicompost pit 1 or 2 inch down the brim ..
If surface living worm is used, 1 kg of earth worm per square meter is placed inside the vermicomposting pit
The compost pit must be maintained at 40% moisture for which either sprinkle
small quantity of water , small lot of fresh cowdung are pressed and placed on the top of compost pit in 2 inch spacing, or cover it with wet gunny bags and place brick over this in 1 or 2 inch spacing .
In this method , you can collect manure first time in 7-14 days..
To increase nitrogen content in vermicompost add Alfalfa , grass , green leaves etc..
To increase potassium content , add banana waste, glyricidia plants etc..
To increase the efficiency of earthworm add jaggery solution or soour buttermilk 10% or mollasses @500 ML square meter..
To avoid ants make a water rill around vermicompost pit..
If bad odor emanates from compost pit add small quantity of either alluvial soil or clay soil ..
For mango leaves shedding ...
you must see whether it is due to insect problem or something else..leaves shedding may be due to various watch closely for any insects ..or some other causes..then remedial measures can be recommended..
Best of luck