Suitable manure and pesticide for vegetable and fruit plants



Dear Experts,

I am trying to grow many vegetable and fruit plants in the land around my house in ernakulam, kerala. I have planted coccinia, brinjal, tomato, snake gaurd, ridge gaurd. The plants grow well, but flowers fall off due to insects(mostly large red ants).

I have put compost as manure and tried spraying bavistin pesticide and also neem oil mixed with water. I have put dry tree leaves around the plants as they may decompost and form manures. But nothing works and i am not able to get a single vegetable from this... :confused:

Kindly suggest some good manure and pesticides(preferably organic) for these vegetables and also some fruit plants like mango, pomegranate, sappota and cocunut (i have just planted these 3 months ago) which are available in fertilizer shops, since cow dung is difficult to get here.


Active Member
Pesticide and manure for vegetables

Dear Experts,

I am trying to grow many vegetable and fruit plants in the land around my house in ernakulam, kerala. I have planted coccinia, brinjal, tomato, snake gaurd, ridge gaurd. The plants grow well, but flowers fall off due to insects(mostly large red ants).

I have put compost as manure and tried spraying bavistin pesticide and also neem oil mixed with water. I have put dry tree leaves around the plants as they may decompost and form manures. But nothing works and i am not able to get a single vegetable from this... :confused:

Kindly suggest some good manure and pesticides(preferably organic) for these vegetables and also some fruit plants like mango, pomegranate, sappota and cocunut (i have just planted these 3 months ago) which are available in fertilizer shops, since cow dung is difficult to get here.
Well. for effective fruiting in vegetables, observe the following..

1.soil must be moist but should not have excessive water..

2.Vegetable plants should be shade free

3.For fruit dropping problem spray planofix @ 25 ml in 100 litres of water

4.Triacontanol @ 125 ml per 100 litres of water can be tried

5.To control pest thro' organic method, 250 grams of green chillies+ 300 grams of garlic + 250 grams of zingers are crushed and diluted in water and sprayed on foliage. It will scare all insects

6.Bavistin is not a pesticide. It is a fungicide for controlling fungal disease

7.To control disease use either pseudomonas or Trichoderma viride as soil based application

8. Apply vermicompost @100 grams per plant

9. You can try powerded neem cake as soil based application

For Fruits crops like Mango, sapota and coconut

1. Apply Azospirillum, phosphobacteria, speudomonas, VAM mixed with Powerded farm yard manure around soil

2.Spray panchakavya 3% ( 30 ml/ lit water ) on foliage

3. Mix Farmyard manure with Humic acid and apply abound tree basin

4. Mix cow urine and water in equal proportion and sprayed on leaves

5.Collect calotrophis plants and decompose it in a small pit ..after 3 months apply it around root zone of fruit trees

6.vermicompost can be applied @ 10 -25 kgs

7.For inducing fruits in mango spray potassium nitrate 0.5% on foliage

Good luck



Dear Sir,
Thanks for your valuable advice. I will surely try these to get better results.

Can you please give panchakavya preparation method? Also what is vermicompost and how to do this? when i googled, i saw like it is composting wastes with red worms.
But i am not sure how to do this.

In my mango trees young leaves are growing good. But before it start flowering, all young leaves get cut and fall off from the tree. This happens within one week after the leaves emerge. I don't know the reason for this. Can you please suggest some solution for this?



Active Member
Panchakavya ,vermicompost & mango plantation

Dear Sir,
Thanks for your valuable advice. I will surely try these to get better results.

Can you please give panchakavya preparation method? Also what is vermicompost and how to do this? when i googled, i saw like it is composting wastes with red worms.
But i am not sure how to do this.

In my mango trees young leaves are growing good. But before it start flowering, all young leaves get cut and fall off from the tree. This happens within one week after the leaves emerge. I don't know the reason for this. Can you please suggest some solution for this?



1.Fresh cowdung - 5 kgs

2.cow urine - 3 litres

3.cow milk - 2 litres

4.curd made of cowmilk - 2 litre

5.pure ghee made of cow milk - 1 litre

6.sugarcane juice - 3 litre

7.tender coconut water - 3 litre

8.Ripe banana fruit - 12 fruits

9.Toddy - 2 litres

Mix fresh cowdung 5 kgs well with 1 litre ghee in a plastic container, keep it for 3 days stirring well twice a day. On 4 th day pour it in a wide mouthed container made of either plastci , cement or earthen vessel and add all other materials into it , mix it well with hand , place it under shade covering mouth with wire mesh

Daily stir the content twice or more so as to increase air circulation which will boost growth of microbial population ..

In 21 days panchakavy is ready for can be kept for about 6 months with definite care..

This contain macro nutrients, micro nutrients growth promoters, enzyme and amino acids

Panchakavy acts as both liquid fertilizers ( 75% ) and insecticide ( 25 % )


Vermicompost pit of the size 4' breath*3' height * convenient length

cover with thatched shed made of coconut fronds providing 70% darkness

see that rain water does not fall over it

First layer-cowdung , farmyard manure, slurry of bio gas plant, or other cattle manure 9-12 inch thickness are spread under the shade either tree or thatches ..

Second layer- kitchen waste, green leaves , town waste, hostel waste, vegetable waste in market are powdered and placed over first layer

third layer - as laid in first layer

fourth layer- as laid in 2nd layer

fifth layer - as laid in first layer

the layer thus raised to 5-6' height. Moisture is maintained at 40% stirred up once in a week .In 6-7 weeks this will get decomposed and will become food for earhtworm

The compost pit must be buit of cement in east west direction with little sunlight be allowed ..

Pit must be built with provision in the bottom to drain excess water

The decomposed material is filled in vermicompost pit 1 or 2 inch down the brim ..

If surface living worm is used, 1 kg of earth worm per square meter is placed inside the vermicomposting pit

The compost pit must be maintained at 40% moisture for which either sprinkle
small quantity of water , small lot of fresh cowdung are pressed and placed on the top of compost pit in 2 inch spacing, or cover it with wet gunny bags and place brick over this in 1 or 2 inch spacing .

In this method , you can collect manure first time in 7-14 days..

To increase nitrogen content in vermicompost add Alfalfa , grass , green leaves etc..

To increase potassium content , add banana waste, glyricidia plants etc..

To increase the efficiency of earthworm add jaggery solution or soour buttermilk 10% or mollasses @500 ML square meter..

To avoid ants make a water rill around vermicompost pit..

If bad odor emanates from compost pit add small quantity of either alluvial soil or clay soil ..

For mango leaves shedding ...

you must see whether it is due to insect problem or something else..leaves shedding may be due to various watch closely for any insects ..or some other causes..then remedial measures can be recommended..

Best of luck

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Dear Sir,
Thanks for giving the preparation methods. In the place we live(Ernakulam), cow dung is very difficult to get.
Are these manures (panchakavya and vermicompost) available in market or we have to do this only at home?
If available in market, then please guide me where can i get these(Ernakulam or coimbatore surroundings) and what will be the price per kg?

All the fertilizers (Azospirillum, phosphobacteria, speudomonas, VAM,potassium nitrate) you specified for fruit plants can be applied only for large trees or for small plants also?

Because only mango, coconut and jack fruit are trees and for the others(pomegranate, sappota, guava,lemon,mosambi), I have just planted them 4 months ago and still they are small saplings. Growth is too slow in these(no significant growth seen after planting).

And for leaf shedding in mango trees, I cannot find the exact reason. But large red ants are in the tree(these ants come from jack fruit trees). I don't know whether these can cause young leaves to cut off from the tree. If so, then please suggest me some solution for this.

Kindly guide me for the above problems.



Active Member
Panchakavya ,vermicompost & mango plantation

Dear Sir,
Thanks for giving the preparation methods. In the place we live(Ernakulam), cow dung is very difficult to get.
Are these manures (panchakavya and vermicompost) available in market or we have to do this only at home?
If available in market, then please guide me where can i get these(Ernakulam or coimbatore surroundings) and what will be the price per kg?

All the fertilizers (Azospirillum, phosphobacteria, speudomonas, VAM,potassium nitrate) you specified for fruit plants can be applied only for large trees or for small plants also?

Because only mango, coconut and jack fruit are trees and for the others(pomegranate, sappota, guava,lemon,mosambi), I have just planted them 4 months ago and still they are small saplings. Growth is too slow in these(no significant growth seen after planting).

And for leaf shedding in mango trees, I cannot find the exact reason. But large red ants are in the tree(these ants come from jack fruit trees). I don't know whether these can cause young leaves to cut off from the tree. If so, then please suggest me some solution for this.

Kindly guide me for the above problems.

Panchakavya and vermicompost can be purchased either from coimbatore or kerala itself.

I think price must be around Rs.100 /lite for panchakavya and vermicompost Rs.4-5 per kgs

Regarding Bio fertilizers like azospirillum , phosphobacteria , pseudomonas, T.viride VAM can be applied for all trees and crops irrespective of the age of the crop...

You said mango, coconut and jack are grown up trees and others are 4 months old..and looking the size as when planted..Kindly ensure that for quick establishment and growth following are essential

1.soil condition where seedlings have been planted must be good with necessary drainage , free of calcium nodules . Soil should not be more clayey..for which fruit seedlings are planted in a pit size of 3'*3'*3' ,2/3 of which is filled with mixture of red earth,compost and native top soil and 50 grams of superphosphate ..Also add little neem cake to each of the seedlings..

2. Ensure proper sunlight and air , avoid planting under shade of other grown up trees..

3.Water stagnation will arrest root growth and invite root rot and other fungal disease ..plant will not pick up..

Regarding pomegranate it is a special fruit crops coming up well in hot dry climate

Sapota, guava thrives well in your soil..also lemon and mosmabi..just you add more organic matter like compost and vermicompost and other bio fertilizers..

If need be go for 3% spray of panchakavya ( 30 ml /lit of water)

In mango ants may come for sweetness due to hopper pest or may be due to leaf dry climate invite pest..once flowering starts it invite hopper which secretes honey dews on both inflorescence and young ants also come along..

To control this spray imidachloprid pesticide @ 1.5 - 2 ml/ litre of water along with neem oil..

Potassium nitrate is for inducing flowering in mango sprayed @ 0.5 %



Dear All,
We are having 15 Different Types of Organic Fertilizer Which are manufactured in Karnataka and have all certificate for using these products.

Our products are using all over India and got good Result in terms of yield, pest control, Fungus control and water Management.

Our Products are Very Cheaper and superior Quality. Our product Ranges starts From Rs.210 for One Acre one time use.

Our Product Name are: K-Zyme,

K-Zyme Banana for High yield and export quality
K-Zyme Chilli for high yield and export quality
K-Zyme Flowers for high yield and export quality
K-Zyme Vegetables for high yield and export quality
K-Zyme Paddy high yield and export quality
K-Zyme wheat, for high yield and export quality
K-Fit for Fungicides,
K-Super pest Controller,
K-Mite for Controlling Mites
K-Wilt for bacterial wilt,
K-Hume for Soil fertility.

Price List
K-ZYME (250 ml) 245.00
K-WET (500 ml) 378.00
K-MITES (250 ml) 616.00
K-SUPER (250 ml) 588.00
K-WILT (100g) 182.00
K-WILT (250g) 420.00
K-BLAST (100g) 140.00
K-BLAST (250g) 294.00
K-ZYME CARDAMOM (1000ml) 840.00
K-ZYME CARDAMOM (5 Liters) 3,780.00
K-HUME (1000 ml) 588.00
K-ZYME-PADDY (250ml) 210.00
K-ZYME-BANANA (250ml) 245.00
K-ZYME-VEGETABLE (250ml) 210.00
K-ZYME-CHILLI (250ml) 308.00
K-ZYME-FLOWER (250ml) 350.00
K-ZYME-WHEAT (250ml) 210.00
K-HUME (5000 ml) 2,800.00
K-FIT (250 ml) 504.00

Contact Arun +919035770885 / Bangalore


Active man arun kumar

Dear All,
We are having 15 Different Types of Organic Fertilizer Which are manufactured in Karnataka and have all certificate for using these products.

Our products are using all over India and got good Result in terms of yield, pest control, Fungus control and water Management.

Our Products are Very Cheaper and superior Quality. Our product Ranges starts From Rs.210 for One Acre one time use.

Our Product Name are: K-Zyme,

K-Zyme Banana for High yield and export quality
K-Zyme Chilli for high yield and export quality
K-Zyme Flowers for high yield and export quality
K-Zyme Vegetables for high yield and export quality
K-Zyme Paddy high yield and export quality
K-Zyme wheat, for high yield and export quality
K-Fit for Fungicides,
K-Super pest Controller,
K-Mite for Controlling Mites
K-Wilt for bacterial wilt,
K-Hume for Soil fertility.

Price List
K-ZYME (250 ml) 245.00
K-WET (500 ml) 378.00
K-MITES (250 ml) 616.00
K-SUPER (250 ml) 588.00
K-WILT (100g) 182.00
K-WILT (250g) 420.00
K-BLAST (100g) 140.00
K-BLAST (250g) 294.00
K-ZYME CARDAMOM (1000ml) 840.00
K-ZYME CARDAMOM (5 Liters) 3,780.00
K-HUME (1000 ml) 588.00
K-ZYME-PADDY (250ml) 210.00
K-ZYME-BANANA (250ml) 245.00
K-ZYME-VEGETABLE (250ml) 210.00
K-ZYME-CHILLI (250ml) 308.00
K-ZYME-FLOWER (250ml) 350.00
K-ZYME-WHEAT (250ml) 210.00
K-HUME (5000 ml) 2,800.00
K-FIT (250 ml) 504.00

Contact Arun +919035770885 / Bangalore
Dear Arun,
Really you are doing excellent in promoting organic product..where ever you see the very mention of organic crop production methods , you waste no time to post all about your product as immediate follow up..keep continuing until after 21-12-2012




In mango ants may come for sweetness due to hopper pest or may be due to leaf dry climate invite pest..once flowering starts it invite hopper which secretes honey dews on both inflorescence and young ants also come along..

To control this spray imidachloprid pesticide @ 1.5 - 2 ml/ litre of water along with neem oil..

Potassium nitrate is for inducing flowering in mango sprayed @ 0.5 %

Dear Sir,

I tried panchagavya for vegetables and now i find good improvements.
Thanks for your advice.

For mango trees, u adviced to spray potassium nitrate to induce flowering.
Where can I buy this in ernakulam? I tried in several places but cannot get.
Also what will be the approximate cost of that?

The tree is with full of young leaves but only 1 or 2 flowers came and that too dropped. Is it the right time to spray potassium nitrate?Any organic solution for this available? Kindly advice me on this.


Remedy for premature flower dropping by agriculture scientist Nammazhwar

Agricultural scientist Nammazhwar recommends "Themore mixture" tamil தேமோர் கரைசல் as a remedy for premature flower dropping.

mix coconut milk and sour butter milk in equal parts put it in a pot and keep it for 10 days then ..mix with 10 parts water and spray on flowering plants.

Reference :
Search for this info in youtube video with this title... "நம்மாழ்வாரின் ஆவேச உரை 3 Nammalvar"

It has lots of tips given by him for organic farming in tamil, if language is a problem then you can search in google about him and also about "jeevamritham" , amrithakaraisal etc which are highly beneficial to plants acting as both nutrient and providing immunity to plants.
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Active Member
Dear Experts,

I am trying to grow many vegetable and fruit plants in the land around my house in ernakulam, kerala. I have planted coccinia, brinjal, tomato, snake gaurd, ridge gaurd. The plants grow well, but flowers fall off due to insects(mostly large red ants).

I have put compost as manure and tried spraying bavistin pesticide and also neem oil mixed with water. I have put dry tree leaves around the plants as they may decompost and form manures. But nothing works and i am not able to get a single vegetable from this... :confused:

Kindly suggest some good manure and pesticides(preferably organic) for these vegetables and also some fruit plants like mango, pomegranate, sappota and cocunut (i have just planted these 3 months ago) which are available in fertilizer shops, since cow dung is difficult to get here.
The most effective home remedy to control insects is : Take out Juice of Onion + Ginger + Garlic + Green chilli (Hot) and make all a fresh mixture and dilute using water. Use 10ml juice for every litre of water. Convey the solution in soil by drenching around the trees. You will be free from worry. Do not spend unnecessarily on chemical sprays.
