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Total Records: 349829
First Name City Reason for signing up Username
Kalidasreddy Addanki For selling Subhabul trees kalidasre
kalyan nellore start alovera and anjeera cultivation kalyann
Aarsh Ahmedabad I am looking for the plant name parivar,Mogro,Jasut,Barmasi aarsh2004
Souvik souvik1
Shreyans Mumbai Lease out my land hirawatsh
Deva Hyderabad I like the buy back policies sushmakar
Rasool Tirunelveli I want business psrasool
Jenny Nagaland To sell black turmeric nagaland
Shreyas Shimoga I will student as well business man shreyas-n
MAHESH Hyderabad Forming maha87903
rakeshkumar vadodara for getting agriculture information , new up coming rkumar67
Aditi Mumbai I want to explore the agriculture world. aditiji
srinivas Hyderabad looking for lands for family srinivasp
Archana archana_3
ARCHANA archana_1
Srk Hyderabad Looking horticulture consultants murthyica
Srividya Hyderabad Looking for agricultural land sriandy
Rohini Sangamner For final year project roo_2810
Kartik Gandhinagar Organic farmers to supply organic produce from farms kmdave
Anwar KALABURGI I want to start a partner poultry farm anwastine
vijay chennai need poly house countrygr
Sam CALICUT Cow samcer
Gurram Anantapur Agriculture Information lakshmann
BALASUNDARAM Selakarichal Knowledge snpbalu
SHELBISTAR Shillong To apply for pig farm license shelbista
Rabindra kumar Bhubaneswar Agriculture & horticulture Brain storming and updates to be utilise on own activity etc rabindra_
Lanka Hindupur As former I want organic high yielding verity of crops lankavenu
Subrahmanya L. Dharwad Looking for a small lands for organic farming and guidance regarding organic farming. subbulh
Swati MUMBAI Looking Info about Stevia Plant swatii
latesh Mumbai want agriculture land and also to connect with other farmers lateshp
Pooja Shirur Labour families for my farm poojaj
Rohit Yamunanagar Poplar farming related info gonugunja
subhash PATNA purchase land subhuday
siva coimbatore purchase land for agri tamilsiva
Suresh Thiruvannamalai Want to know recent developments in Agri and allied fields skp158901
Kanmani Kancheepuram We are Ecopreneur and Civil Engineer interested in Self sustainable Agri Business in all verticals. rbkorgnic
Asim Medinipur Enterpreneurship cooperation and Guide from your platform asimkc
Callorine Columbia Research Report. callorine
Mahendra Bangalore Sandal mrsidde
Arul Prakash Chennai Need Farm Land for Lease arulfmr
ROSHAN Pusla Domestic india Live goat export, goat meat export, International Live goat.goat meat exports roshan93
Natraj Hyderabad Starting aleovera farming natraj58
Gireesh Nedumkandom Am a farmer ,Cardamom ,Papper ,Coffiee ,Nutmeg girikks
ram dehli i want to become consultan
Dharmesh Kumar Varanasi I want to cultivate a medicinal and vegetable plant lakshay11
Harshal Shahada Soyamilk tofu information drharshal
Kelvin Water Gurgaon For personal use kelvinwat
NITHIN Bangalore Looking for agricultural land / poly house for leaze. grover143
Siva Coimbatore Saffron cultivation details gvigroups
Prateek New Delhi Poultry farm for rent or buy if price is reasonable prateek13
sanket Pune research marketsal
Madhuri Vadodara Free plants ,vegetable sipping & seeds gadhedo
Arjun thrissur info arjun7994
Foram Bhuj Looking for free plants foramv
Amulya Bangalore Sell tissue culture teak plants amulyav37
Elu Krishnagiri I want beer wast eazhumala
Surya Bhan Singh Sultanpur Biggest pig farming business ninjha
Suresh kumar THENI EXPORTS & IMPORTS nskgroups
Avaneesh Puttur I am selling an item avaneeshk
Dr B SHESHU KUMAR Warangal I have 3 acres land , want to cultivate any medicinal plants or any commercial crops. Looking for any buyback guarantee sheshukum
Atul Bangalore Buy farmland ranjanatu
Deepan Coimbatore For every Sunday we are doing the free tree planting deepan95
Karan Bangalore Progressive farmer looking for opportunities to expand kj2222
Pavan Pandavapura Prawns forming pavan_j
Fazil Thiruvananthapuram To start dairy farm need project kalliyode
Sankar Salem Looking to connect with fellow farmers and source labor sankarmju
Aditya Bijapur I have in village I have to forming teak wood what is the procedure and rules of forming the teak wood in my own land anuppatil
Kirti panipat i am looking for some plants to decorate my house because i love nature and i don't think any thing other than natural plants could help me decorating my house kirti99
Haresh Surat Getting latest updates on agriculture industry in India hareshd
Hrishikesh Thane For land per Acre hrishidum
Daksh Pune Contact number dakshjain
Dhanoj Coimbatore I need coconut tree plantation land for long term lease.... Empty agriculture land along with it is prefered dhanoj
Bakshid Thattacheri - Kalavai Looking for a family to take care of my poultry farm bakshid_9
Amol Pune agri startup amolvid00
Plantic Delhi Google plantic
Veena Mumbai Land for agricultural purpose veenavali
Vivek Others Need to purchase 5-6 acres of barren or agriculture land in the rate of 40kto 50k rate . vivekjmi8
Krishna MYSURU To attend relevant and useful online seminars kaypeeyes
Acharya Bangalore Urban Information on organic farming acharya45
Nandbihari Bundi NANDBIHARI SAINI 966768
Sujith Bangalore Posting business promotion article friendly
vijayan Thiruvannamalai business development agriviji
Sureshkumar Chennai Need land in tamilnadu below 5 lakh... immediate registration full cash ssureshmt
Girish Shimoga Agriculture land, sonigi
Saumya Bettiah I need plants for my land to create eco friendly environment sr_2019
Pal Thevaram Coconut Tree ravipal89
unguturu venkata hyderbad gataring information uvkteja
Sanju Port blair Looking for fish farming buisness sanjus
VIJAY MUMBAI We have buyer for hi-tech dairy farms in india sonivijay
MANU KUMAR BANGALORE I need one dairy farm jenushree
Shivani Ghaziabad Want to doing business khetibusi
prem Pune Looking for manpower for agricultural work premmadan
Dr P K Ambala Interested in Plantations pkm258
Vijay Chennai For selling fruits and vegetables vijay3115
K. RAJ Dharmapuri i want to know and learn about medicinal plants uses, cultivation, and making medicinal/herbal plant nursery garden. krkumaran
Rajappa Mysore I want grow profitable cultivation 2051972
Mohammed Abbas Hojai Supply of all kinds of forestry Plants Agriture Horticultre plants seeds seedlings stamps etc abbasa