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Total Records: 349825
First Name City Reason for signing up Username
Sumitha rsumitha6
aby KERALA reach trawoc1
Ashutosh pune Want to connect agriculture experts to solve some indoor farming issues. Get information and knowledge from you. ashum555
Avinash Pune Knowledge seeker avinash69
rajib KOLKATA I wish to start a Soya Paneer business in Siliguri area and need support from this group. I also wish to know any agriculture based business suitable for Kalimpong, west bengal area. aniya16
VICKNESWOR Jorhat I want to sell agriculture products vickneswo
Spice Barbil To explore forums spiceagen
Gnanasekaran DHarmapuri Looking for new farming techniques and new farming methods gnanan
Murugananth Pollachi Looking for agri related business kcspoy202
Nuke Kolkata To know more hackeronr
Maheswari Vizianagaram I am planning to start spirulina cultivation need for buyers and species information. mahi_136
Joel Thanjavur for business purposes hellojoel
Siddeswara Bengaluru Agricultural knowledge siddu060
Nehru Vijayawada Proposal for Agri Projects nehrusiri
Sumanth Kolar Pig farming sumanth09
Suneeti Aligarh I want information about how to sell products in stores. sharmaji1
Shankaramuraali Kolar Dates plants 998669312
Manoj Nelamangala I am farmer kmpatil13
Anuj Kolkata We want to sell hydroponic vegetables outside india anuj007
CHETAN Rajkot Growing chetanagr
Sudheer Banglore Looking for augriculture land with lesser price near banglore. sudheerch
manmeet Ludhiana i want to become manmeets7
Murshid KAMPALA I would like start a liquid bio-fertilizer manufacturing plant in east africa bm-street
Satish Bangalore Spirulina training satishsil
Nidanaaz Aurangabad I want to study about stevia nidanaaz
Top7th JAIPUR Packers And Movers top7thmov
Nilesh Jalna Tree Rose plants nilesh668
KAVERI KOLAR I want to know information about agriculture and recent information schemes about agriculture. kaveripn
Sana Ajmer, Rajasthan, India good site sanakashy
Harshit Bagalkot Hqha harshit09
Murali Chikkaballapur Iam former from Chikkaballapura Dist Karnataka I have 5acre land with water facility I need do contact farming with buy back agreement medicinal plants or any other muralikgk
sanju Delhi sahaj sanjupawa
Munna banglore Poultry farm munna898
Kandha Tirupur Sale kandhan
Nishanth Kalyani To selling purpose of Aloe vera. nissan97
Mahipal Puducherry A researcher from the Plant Biotechnology field. msspdy
Varsha varsha_7
Ramakrishna Gadag Dairy project report rathods
Amol Pune I'm oyester mashroom grower and I want to sell dry oyester mashroom. jijamash
Matautu HI Mililani I'm looking for a market to sell my moringa leaves. Am I in the right place? Thank You! ulemafa67
Manish Hyderabad Looking to start a permaculture farm. farm1987
Nalini BANGALORE Farm land nalini_gi
Srikanth Nellore Land acxvyz123
Devi Coimbatore Looking for lsnd ndartha57
murali yadiyuru Farmer and young entrepreneur in tumakuru muralig
Sugumar Krishnagiri To supply a fresh coconut. kanaga198
James Chennai I have few acres of land jabezme
Rashid बड़ौत मुझे पुराने पोली हाउस चाहिए 4000 स्क्वायर मीटर के 10 आइटम जिसको बेचना हो वो प्लीज कॉल करे 9760090599 mehboo
Harshith Reddy Chickballapur New methods for farming harshredd
Call Chandigarh Personal callandys
Anil Surat We have fresh yellowish sandalwood for sale in Gujarat in quantum as regular basis from the permission of forest department a permanent licence holder abctoxyz
vudu New Delhi Click Here to Find All the details of farmland & Land Buyers and Get more details and their add you can get in touch with Vudu Farms vudufarms
vikas new delhi looking for distributor in FMCG emperror
raj chennai for business kumarias
T.shivaramareddy Bellary Want to labour 546212
Dr. Brajesh Agra Vermicompost gajraj756
siddaraju Bangalore Need more information on Agriculture and also looking to become Agriculture Enterpreneurs. siddu1412
Yogesh Raipur Farmer yogeshbar
Velmurugan Chennai I want to trade my product and develop my import&exports business velsub83
Neeraj faridabad trying to understand agriculture business neeraj230
Kannan Thrissur To acquire and update the knowledge and skills drakannan
Guru vellore to buy agriculture land gururamu
Satish Chennai Farming Interest vishrut-f
Anmol Bazpur i am looking forward to invest in buyback contract farming. anmolvij
Hanumanthaiah Bangalore north I want bulk moringa leaves everyday 100to150 kg anyone interested msg me in WhatsApp or call me near number 8431510371 hanu67
SHAIK KADAPA Looking for spirulina buyers in India and abroad aslam321
Abdul Trichy Interested and looking forward to add value too basheed
neeraj Jhajjar Need labour fpr dairy farm in jhajjar,haryana. Raion amd accomodation will be provided. vashisht
Goutham Bangalore Looking for Agricultural predictions farm2020
Karavali Mangalore We provide good quality of fish manure and bio organic fertilizer karavali4
S Hyderabad Do Agriculture agri2021
Ashutosh Roorkee Looking for institutions and agencies that seek contract farmers. I have 4 hectares of family land in Pauri Garhwal and scope to expand upto 20 hectares and beyond. ashutashu
Yash Gurupimpari, ghansawangi, dist. Jalna Maharashtra I have sagwan tree around 15 yrs old for selling I want sell them with best price. Any one is interested,PlZ call me on 9421642104 Or 9552140243 yashbokan
R Khammam Am interested different types of forming and I have a agriculture labour rekham
RAJKUMAR rajanbu
Ravi Chennai Have agriculture land and interested to do bheema bamboo .Need some company who can do buy back options ravisug
loxien2 hà nội koo loxien2
Soundararajan Palladam We've Aloe vera nearly 20 metric ton for sale. Required people can contact us. smanju
Somit Ranchi I am interested in having a farm plot near by for natural farming. somitpal
Mahadev K R PET agriculture information mahadevpp
RAVINDAR SILCHAR Interested in organic farming gulgulia
Ajitkumar Osmanabad We have Polyhouse of 1 acre Available on Rent Contact No - 9503274156 ajit3006
Vasanth Chikkaballpur I need money vasuvasan
lozeara delhi for promotion lozeara
Angelika Chennai Learning angelika
Somanna Benaglore Looking job somann
Lokeshwaran Coimbatore I like this lokesh95
model Delhi Want to add my website on your website. modeldelh
Gani Benaglore Looking for job ganeshgaj
Anandha Trichy To Sell Agriculturals Commodities anand_93
Sekhar Tada I am diabetic and working to promote health awareness in the society sekharbs
Vivek Haldwani I want to buy cows vickyjosh
autofarm Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, IN Expand Agricultural machineries awareness autofarm
MM New Delhi I am looking to upgrade myself mmehrs
Paresh thane Looking for farmhouse caretaker assignments caretaker
Jai Theni I am starting export and import company I am new member for export so I need more information about the agriculture what are the countries are needed in agriculture product like that so only I signup here jaient1_