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Total Records: 349862
First Name City Reason for signing up Username
Yashvardhan Hanumangarh Farmer, always happy to share and take information yash1804
P Chinnasalem Agri details periyasam
Benzakhir Chennai Plan on setting up a mushroom farm in chennai benfaiz
henryy dallas JW & Associates USA was initially formed to provide comprehensive Business Development Services. Our specialty today is Construction Consulting, Structural Cement Sales, Teaching Structural Solution Applications and continuing development for “NoDig” Sub-Surface Infrastructure solutions. Our Spin Cast application procedure on horizontal pipe has been around about ten years, which in terms of rehabilitation methods still has this approach relatively new to the culvert relining industry. That fact has presented a phenomenal opportunity with our Business Development background to play a major role in the Global introduction of (CCCP) Centrifugally Cast Concrete Pipe and now nationally with our in-house designed equipment, structural materials and procedures consulting. Educating government and private sector engineers of known attributes, along with building contractor relationships has been rewarding. Our early involvement with High-Strength Cement Culvert Renewal opened the door to develop industry specifications, application equipment, technical procedures and first time solutions for compromised structure. (See Box Culvert Structural Renewal). Adding a Construction Division to the business development services brought a General Contractor aboard and thirty years of additional experience in construction and site development. Our combination of consulting and performing applicators give us a unique platform to offer field proven equipment. We quickly identify technology improvements that enables us to offer the most advanced Spin Casting equipment available, all designed and custom fabricated in-house. Our goal is to offer the most reliable systems in the industry, along with being user friendly for quick, easy field assembly, combined with fool-proof operation. henryy
Jaime Miami I would like to join this community in order to get some experience and share mine. jaimebred
Subramanian Chennai I am interested to start a business subbu61
Yogendra Bangalore Looking for poultry sheds(hen) near the north areas of Bangalore (in and around budigere, Baglur,rajanukunte Devnhali,chikkbalapur) myogendra
priya Nagpur make profile acservice
Maria Seoul know mariabaxt
Ashwani Saharanpur Ss milk powder palant as123456
sanjoy ullapara cdscvdsvcdszcvdszvcdszvszdcvsdzcvszdcvdszcvszd sanjoybb
siva abids hyderabad willing to check on agricultural farm land sivajyoth
Rajendra singh PITHORAGARH Interested to get information about new method of farming ,and nature lover. rajen007
Sharuk Perambalur I am always keen to acquire knowledge and information, as i say my graduation is from agriculture, it is must for a agri grad to stay updated sharukhq
Amitkumar ahmedabad Purchasing land and wants to start organic farming amit_mech
Krishnarajan Erode I like to buy agri land chweetkri
Serenity Casslebury yhu try rt rwst serenityr
Raju rajusv
d bangalore kurisakaneke 903647
Chanderkant Panipat For agri information ckgautam5
PRASAD MYSORE Looking for Cows and few plantations prasadma
Padam Bengaluru Interested in joining green house farming infopadam
Arif ullapara internet ariftech
NARESH katni i want to sell amla in large quantity . naresh412
Basavaraj Athani, Baelagavi I need agriculture information regarding markets and production etc bdalwai
Alla Vijayawada Buffalos allanavya
Schmit New York For Promoting our website schmitzne
Kushi mangalore wanted to find nati koli kushi_05
andral New york knowledge andralwat
nazmul dhaka gghdfxghsdfbhdfdfhh nazmul3
Senthil Thalavadi Looking for land senthil00
Sheela Bangalore buy farm shealf
MANU Bengaluru Urban To procure labour for our Farm and to be updated about agri news mpra0005
Moya GUNTUR To learn new information moyamamo
Naveen Bengaluru To buy agricultural products and land nnavee
Siva Madurai Purchase sivamurg
kaju AlibagRaigarh i want to become sattaking
Dhirendra singh Ghazipur Stabeya former and alovera dsy1234
Raju rajuabc4d
RAMESH ramesh82
Anish Raipur Networking kansaa_av
Dhanesh Vapi Organic Farming dhkvapi
R.Ravichandran senlogic
Arup kumar Bankura i want to farming goat aruplai
amir Faisalabad forum posting maba11
Vilas Virar, Palghar interested for agricultural land close to mumbai vilasved
G Bangkok Know gclubwish
Dr.jiya Anantnag I want to grow kiwis and Avacado plants saffron12
Udit Bilaspur I have a land in himachal pardesh I want to grow good quality teak tree plantation As I got u take of of the plantion And with buy back uditbhard
Alagar alagar80
Hanna New York to get useful information hannaswar
BHARAT RATNAM Hyderabad growing vegetables, mushrooms, rice, jawar, marketing bharatr
Prasanta belpahar to know about farming and selling of medicinal , herbal and aromatic plant diamond25
Srinivas Hyderabad Polutry land for lease lillysri
Venkatesan s Tiruppur Iam former nepaan
Bhanudas abbpendka
RAJ Rajpipla I want to give my agricultural land on rent which is in khaper. rajpadvi
Mohammed iqbal iqbalk
SURESHKRISHNAN CHENNAI Buying agricultural land rskris27
Rohit Belgaum Agricultural land baitbaj
sulwhasoo hcm google sulwhasoo
Pritam pritam411
kalyan Kochi for reading kalyan01
Syed 7greenpat
Vasanth Pune Gaushala training and management vasanthk
Shamol Phonix forum posting shamol0
Srikanta Bangalore I am interested for contract framing. And explore the new techniques of farming for future agricultural benifits and terms of service. srikantas
nikith HYDERABAD hello, NIKITH RAJ here, I need cow and buffalo milk in bulk quantity in hyderabad nikithraj
jonny dallas study about it. tzen686
Shailesh shailesht
Shankar Mhaswad All information cultivate and collection medical plant in man khatav region in satara sanchomee
satish Nagpur brewery west narharshe
Mohan mohanalva
Praveen Kumar Chennai To sell paddy straw roll (Vaikol) praveen_s
Rand Liverpool For an opportunity fstrategy
Suman Nagpur we seeking for exotic vegetables in nagpur. any reputed suppliers pl call at 9921417979 any time 24x7 suman1982
Neeraj Hanumangarh I am looking for fruit farming which should be conducive for semi-arid climate in North Rajasthan, Hanumangarh. So far I have found out Anjeer or Fig as an option hence, joining this forum. The broad agenda is to help improve the income of farmers in near by area. neerajd
magic Multan we have knowlkafhf sahfvv magicsydn
Hidayathulla Bangalore We are couple looking poultry farm take care jobs or agriculture farm P khaarchu
Mounika Gudivada Vermicompost 25 kg gmounika
Barkatali Patan, Gujarat For update about bio fertilizer market and we need consultancy for bio fertilizer range of product. Solid and liquid also we want to start bio pesticide. greenergy
Palak Mumbai Cheap land palakj
venkateshwarlu Bangalore want to take up farming in the coming days after my retirement in my hometown venkagri
RAVINDRA dabhadesr
Carlton Nevada i'm a agriculture student roundcube
Lakshmi Agaram village. Thenneri post, Kanchipuram We need a farm labour to care for our dairy and garden lakshmira
Anjani anilagro
Muddappa Bangalore Need more information on agriculture muku174
kinely San Francisco information sharing kinely269
sachidananda snp_btg12
Thomas Madurai Opportunities thomasp
ankit surat free plnt sonani19
Glenn Silver Spring Promotion glennpatr
Donald Seoul know donaldbak
Raju rajujampa
Kirity Nellore farming krapuru
George Nairobi Am interested in planting IPB9 variety paw paw seeds & reselling in my country gajode1