Zero Budget Dairy Farming


dear sir please send details of zero budget dairy farming details and report. i am very much interested. and also give the support for us regards vinay

Dear Vinay Kulkarni,

Thank you for your enquiry. Suggest that you be more specific on your interest / querry.

You may first like to have a look at the blog, I have created "FAQs on Dairy Farming" in this website.

with best wishes for a Happy New Year.

Dear Dr.,

Logically your services are fee based, and logically one requires a fair amount of confidence in the concept in order to do their cost-benefit maths. Hence, please provide references of some of your existing clients, so that their locations can be visited by interested & prospective clients and personally see your concept working :confused:.

With best regards.

sir this is jaganath from banglore we can provide u cows every thing u need so plz contact us
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Dear Shanta_giri,

Thanks for your enquiry. I only wish my clients were so open to allow anyone and everyone to see their operations (and become their own competitors). Business and knowledge are two different entities, you may appreciate.

In this regard, try to get into any "Certified Organic farm" in the area from where you are. It would be more easy to get into Fort Knox!

With best wishes for a Happy New Year.

Dear Dr.,

"It is not good manners, to put it mildly, for an educated person like you." - Remember this sentence??? It is from one your answers to which applies to all.


intersted in dairy farming

:rolleyes:sir,i am very much intersted in u'r concept.pls contect me on my thanks
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Dear Hitesh,

Happy to hear that you are interested in the concept mentioned in the beginning of this thread. I can assure you that it is a good starting point for discussing further and enabling you to achieve higher than the market determined profitability from dairy farming.

with best wishes.

Dear Moderator,
The phrase “ Zero Budget Dairy Farming” completely defies business logic. The discussions along the thread are not correlating with this phrase, wherein it says to one of the reader for an investment of 25-50 lacs, which in itself is a proof that the phrase does not carry any meaning, but is misleading. This could squarely hit IPC section 420, a case of cheating and could amount to criminal proceedings against the individual who is soliciting business, misleading the public. Hence, I request the to please review the claims made by an individual on such public forums under the legal scanner and permit them to be posted. Since this is a public forum which is moderated, the web host could also be penalized under the prevailing cyber laws.

Dairy Farm visits for ideas....


It is nice to know that you are interested to go in for Dairy farming.

I will be able to show you any amount of commercial Dairy farms & places wherein you will see Dairy farming ( from 50-2500 animals), Vermicomposting by various techniques, Milking Machines of different Companies in use, Bio gas, Power generation, Floriculture, Emu & Agro Tourism Centre.

These people will allow you to take Photographs, videos & record anything you would want to & at the same time help you in all possible aspects.

Please feel free to get in touch on mobile
At the same time I will send you (FREE OF COST) a detailed Project Report for any number of animals after mutual discussions on phone.

Dairying is not at all a subject which can be discussed on Mail. Its like trying to learn to drive a car by reading book.

At he same time it is essential for me to know regarding the location, available land, access to roads, Marketing strategy of the end product, Input costs for dairy farming viz. Feeding costs ( which can be determined only after visiting that place) , Water facilities & other details.

I am familiar with & do provide my Advisory Services all over India & neighbouring countries.

Please do read my 5 blogs : on this agriculture information site only.
* Venturing into Dairy business
* Beliefs in dairy Business
• Dairy Farming in India
• Dairy Farming ; myths & facts….
• Dairy farming concepts....
& Indian Dairy Market to double by 2011

These will give you more ( PRACTICAL) idea on Dairy farming SITUATION in India.

However if you are really interested to doing Dairy farming professionally as well as commercially with GMP ( Good Manufacturing Practices ) & a scientific base giving you a profitability of 20-25% per annum ) then I can be of immense help but very definitely at a cost.

I undertake Dairy farming & Cattle Feed projects on Turnkey basis.

I undertake Dairy farming Projects (New as well optimization of Productivity & thereby profitability of the existing farms) on Turn Key basis i.e. from inception to conception (Setting up the dairy farm as per your need) & then guide & train you (& all the people involved in your Farm) for the same till the next lactation i.e. my Services will be with you from the first calf till the next one ,which usually takes minimum 15-18 months depending upon what you keep i.e. cow or buffalo.

You may send all your queries on Dairy farming after you call me on my Mobile

Please don’t POST/MAIL your queries.

Thanking you in anticipation & with warm regards,

Dr.Chandrakiran N. Sant
Dairy Advisor
( Nutrition & Management )
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Dear Moderator,
The phrase “ Zero Budget Dairy Farming” completely defies business logic. The discussions along the thread are not correlating with this phrase, wherein it says to one of the reader for an investment of 25-50 lacs, which in itself is a proof that the phrase does not carry any meaning, but is misleading. This could squarely hit IPC section 420, a case of cheating and could amount to criminal proceedings against the individual who is soliciting business, misleading the public. Hence, I request the to please review the claims made by an individual on such public forums under the legal scanner and permit them to be posted. Since this is a public forum which is moderated, the web host could also be penalized under the prevailing cyber laws.

Only serious entrepreneurs wishing to enter into the business of dairying are requested to follow the thread. Others are free to start their own.

Thank you.

need more info

Hello Sir,

your information is really good for the starters. i am located in coimbatore. is there any branch or office kind in coimbatore. as i am running out of time need to discuss more on this directly which also includes about your organization, consultatancy fee etc.,...

detaials required for dairy farming

Dear sir,
we are from bangalore looking for you to get the dairy farming consultancy.

we are planned to begin with 20-25 cows and to reach 400 cows. can u help in this regard by contacting us....

thanks and regards,

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Dear Sir,

We are dairy farmers from Jaipur and have a profitably running dairy farm in Jaipur. It has more than 70 Jersey-HF cows and Murrah buffaloes. We are considering transfer of the farm as we are starting a real estate project there. You can get more information and pictures of the dairy farm on this blog:

The total investment required would be around 35 lakhs (26 lakhs for livestock+tools, 9-10 lakhs for shed+farm infra) and the returns are between 20-30%. Please contact us if you have the required capital and wish to start a dairy farm immediately. We could then help you with our practical knowledge and experience.

Madhur Singhal
Jakon Infra, Jaipur
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hello Sir,

can you mail your contact details to or call me. we would like to discuss with you regarding the above.
Please contact....
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am very much interested in your idea of zero budget farming,would like to know more about your organization , am very much intrested in dairy farm.
Dear Sir
I have gone through ' Zero Budget Dairy Farming" and happy to note the details.
Kindly forward your terms for extending consultancy services for 50 cows dairy
farm at Thirukovilur,Tamil Nadu.We have 4 acres at Thirukovilur-Sankarapuram
main road with a 500 feet frontage.Any other information feel free to contact.

Thanks & Regards
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Pity we are Indians

Pity we are Indians. God save us from the scavengers..........:rolleyes: One consultant says he can arrange visits to as many farms as a client wants and another consultant says he cannot give the references of his clients for whom he has worked. Both are poles apart.:confused:

Respect sir
I am Sri Tarakant Pattanayak want to start a Dairy Farm within 2 month, for this reson I want to take all the information about Dairy farma and how can I take care of Cows. I belongs to Kendrapara, Orissa. Kindly say me which cows is suitable for this climate, for which I can earn more.

Please give me some information about this

Thanking You


Tarakant Pattanayak
Please contact..........
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