WIN-EA-CROP Fertlizer Doubles Crop Yields and Farmers Income



Senior Member
Dear Farmers,

"WIN-EA-CROP" Hi-Yield Promoter is the World's latest 100% Organic Plant Nutrient and research product.

It DOUBLES the yields of Cotton, Chilies, Coconuts, all Fruits & Vegetables crops, Flower Crops, Seed Crops, Medicinal & Aromatic Crops.

Simple foliar spray of water-soluble WIN-EA-CROP, improves Soil fertility and Crops productivity, resulting in 100% higher yields fetching highest income to the Farmers.

WIN-EA-CROP is Eco-friendly Organic product and absolutely safe Herbal formula processed with world’s most advanced SMMAAP technology, promotes rich green growth, highest yields & quality, resistance to Viral, Fungal & Bacterial diseases and minor pests.

WIN-EA-CROP technology is nominated for WORLD FOOD PRIZE (USA), certified by the scientists of Agriculture Universities and certified as Organic by Organic Farmers & Growers Ltd (United Kingdom). It is represented to the Honorable Central Agriculture Minister Sri Sharad Pawar in support of SECOND GREEN REVOLUTION.

We are welcoming Farmers to utilize WIN-EA-CROP for DOUBLED Yields and Income and inviting Distributors and Importers for marketing on highly profitable terms.

For more information or to buy WIN-EA-CROP or for distributor inquiries, please email to

Prabhaakar, CEO.,
Advaanced Biotech Research Projects,
WIN-A-CROPP Projects (Mfg & Mktg),
# 104, Surya Prabha Paradise,
Door No: 18-1-21/14, Maharanipet,
Visakhapatnam-530002, A.P., INDIA.
Tel & Fax: +91-891-2754178,
Mobile : +91-98481-95999.
E-mail id:


Active Member
Dear sir,
we are interested to work as your sales coordinator for your product for both domestic and overseas customers requirements.
kindly send the related details, pricing etc for further negotiations in OUR PM BOX.
We are from ORISSA
Thanks and regards
n.d. goswami
