Whole corn silage for intensive rearing of sheep.

Dear Members,

We just finished inception of dorper sheep embryos and it went on well.. With the vets happy with the condition of the recipient ewes and the embryos,We Hope to get a good conception rate !

All the ewes were on a semi intensive system where they were grazed for 4 to 5 hours and fed grain,whole corn silage and lurcene hay/horse gram hay.

Intensive rearing of sheep is gaining popularity for the severe scarcity of grazing lands and also for security reasons.Whole corn maize is what is being used by many of us wherein we have maize harvested at half dent stage and ensiled using a bacterial culture.quite a safe and effective method of feed management but could be dangerous if certain aspects are not taken care of...

1.Good Baterial culture (Silage Additives): We have a lot of players in the market,there are some specifically for maize like Biomin Biostabil Mays,They are nothing but a good mix of lactic acid producing bacteria which produces good enough lactic acid to reduce the PH much below 3 for ensilation to take place.Which one produces ideal amounts of lactic acid is what it matters..

2.Compaction: Make sure the chopped green fodder is as tightly filled as possible,you can ask a couple of your helpers to walk on the fodder while in the silo at the time of filling and put good enough weight on the fodder after closing it with tarpaulins(ideally worn out car tyres).

3.Anaerobic Condition (Total absence of Oxygen):Ensilation is acheved only in the total absence of air and all the cultures are designed for the same,if the silage is not tightly compacted and if it is not properly covered,you might end up with mould formation,feeding the same would cause circling disease(neurological disease).if you are using a pit silo,cover the fodder with two layers of plastic sheet,The first one is thin which wraps around the fodder tight and the second one is a thick one to have control on any atmospheric changes.

4.Ensilation time : 3 to 4 weeks is ideal as post ensilation stability is very important,Silage is more stable and doesn't lead to formation of moulds if retained in the silo for a minimum of 3 weeks.

5.Feeding out (How much to draw from the silo): Ideally 6" inches,I always dispose the top 6 inches of the silage when i open up for the first time and start removing 6 inches of silage and more on a daily basis.

Most importantly we should understand that when silage is the main course of diet for the sheep,Whole corn silage is a good carbohydrate diet but quite poor in proteins and also deficient in calcium.We add around 5kgs of urea,5kgs of ground lime stone(calcium carbonate),5kgs of DCP(dicalcium phosphate),2.5kgs of calcium sulphate and 10kgs of common salt for every tonne of green fodder we intend to ensile to make it a complete diet.

Everthing else except Urea is added at the time of ensilation(urea is toxic for lambs below 4 months of age and also when given in very high levels for grown up sheep).the amount of urea can be decided depending on the flock you intend to feed and if you have sheep which were never fed urea,Intoduce it gradually.

Most silage additives (bacterial cultures) comes in packs of 200gms sufficient to ensile 50 tonnes of green fodder,The pack is supposed to be diluted in 50lit of water and sprayed on the fodder,Add 10 to 12 kgs of Jaggery (you don't get molasses easily) in that 50 lts for better bacterial growth and better ensilation.

It is good to feed at least 1/2kg of hay per sheep while feeding silage,A good leguminous hay is ideal

Thanks to many people who advised us on all this quite early and they are being implemented at our farm and any fresh updates are welcome.

Best Regards
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Thank you for this info.

I am interested in sheep farming and have been following silage method closely to be implemented in my farm. could you pls help me with the details of the bacterial culture, as in where can i procure it from any contact info regarding same.



I can help you out upto a kilogram(sufficient for 250 tonnes) of Biomin biostabil mays as we import them for our farm and anything above that you will have to contact biomin directly.

Best Regards

Silage Making

Thank you Mr. Ravi for your very good information on silage making. Considering the diminishing grazing land, lack of irrigated land to produce continuous green fodder round the year and to over come shortages of forages during summer times, making silage is very relevant and important for livestock farmers in India.

This scientific method of pickling the fodder helps the farmers to retain the nutritional value (sugar and proteins) of the fodder. If the green fodder is chopped into small pieces (1/2 cm length), it will help for compacting into silos and thereby reducing oxygen in the fodder. Removing and keeping out oxygen is a key part of making silage as oxygen makes the plant enzymes and bacteria react with the plant sugars and proteins to make energy and thereby reducing the amounts of nutrients in the fodder.

Once again thank you Mr. Ravi and keep it up.

Suresh Heggade

Hello Mr.Suresh.

Thank you and you seem to be seriously doing some base work for the sheep farm you intend to start on your arrival back home.

Best Regards


New Member
Hi Ravi,
Thank you for your info. I am interested in silage method. Can u help me out how much it costs to feed around 50 sheep by using silage method .

Thank u

Warm Regards,
Nagendra Kumar

Dear Mr.Kumar,

If you are growing maize on your own,It should cost you anywhere between Rs,5.00 to Rs,6.00 per every sheep every day,Now that includes everything.

Best Regards

sialge addittives/caltures

Dear Mr. Ravi,

Where can I get silage addtitives/cultures which are available in 200 gms packs. Can you name one good company? Please let kindly let me know where can I get them. Or if you can supply pleae let me know. Since two months I am searching for the same. KIndly do the favour. Where Can I get more inforamation about silage making?? Is there any organisation which can train us?? What precautions I have to take, while making and feeding the animals.

Please give the address of shop where I can get silage additives. How many days can I store it once it diluted with water??

I am waiting for your response.

Thanking You
Yours Faithuflly
Abdul Razak (Proprietor)
Razak Farms
Chinna Palli
Andhra Pradesh

Silage Making

Dear Ravi Sir,

I have been reading your writings on sheep rearing and related matters. I like your way of sharing knowledge among members, only few people can do like this. Your practical knowlege makes you stronger than people like me who read the subject only through books, internet, etc.

Yes, I am eager to be a livestock farmer soon like you. We shall meet very soon.


Suresh Heggade

Dear Mr. Razak,

Silage making is no rocket science, I have already discussed on various aspects which you need to keep in mind while doing the same ,You need nicely harvested fodder, fodder chopper,Silage additive and anything else like calcium etc you would want to add to enrich your fodder with.

If you still insist i can as well send you some videos on silage making.

Biomin Biostabil Mays is what we use and as mentioned earlier we import it for our own use and can give you a kilogram of it.Unluckily Biomin Isn't selling this product in India is not available in the local market .

You can mail me or talk to me for any further queries.

Best Regards
Ph: +91-80-65462902

Dear Mr.Suresh,

Thank you for the appreciation, We all are learning or have Known a little from the people who shared their experiences,If they wouldn't have shared! we wouldn't have learned.Its as simple as that and lets share for better.

Best Regards


silage culture

Dear mr.ravi

thanks for the silage information.

Pls provide us contact details for culture(biomin biostabil) & what will be the cost for 200gms

pls do the needful



Dear Mr. Razak,

Silage making is no rocket science, I have already discussed on various aspects which you need to keep in mind while doing the same ,You need nicely harvested fodder, fodder chopper,Silage additive and anything else like calcium etc you would want to add to enrich your fodder with.

If you still insist i can as well send you some videos on silage making.

Biomin Biostabil Mays is what we use and as mentioned earlier we import it for our own use and can give you a kilogram of it.Unluckily Biomin Isn't selling this product in India is not available in the local market .

You can mail me or talk to me for any further queries.

Best Regards
Ph: +91-80-65462902
Dear Sir,

Sir kindly send me the videos . Please giveyour contact phone number to talk to you. Sir, what is the cost of chemical? How can I purchase it? Can I import and stock 5-6 Kgs? How many days it cannot damage? How you will send chemical to me? Or can I come Bangalore and take it back to Kurnool.

Thanking You
Yours Faithuflly
Abdul Razak (Proprietor)
Razak Farms
Chinna Palli
Andhra Pradesh
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Dear Mr.Manjunath,

As mentioned earlier, we import silage additives for our farm and do not indulge in further sale of the same,But as it is not available in the local market, i can give you some for good .

You can talk to me on 080-65462902 for any further queries.

Best Regards

We are very glade to inform you that our company “Greentech Organic Hydroponics Systems” manufacture a unit for the Maize/ Wheat grass fodder production in which you can produce Maize/ Wheat seedling by hydroponics techniques (Soil less culture) so it will ultimately produce microbes free, 100% organic healthy lush green seedlings of Maize/ Wheat grass fodder with less cost and in small area of 8ft x 4ft x 10ft with fully automated system, which can help you to boost up the production of Maize/ Wheat grass fodder in any climate condition with less input cost.
