Dairy or Poultry
Poultry - 1, The chick is not under your control, 2. The feed is not under your control, 3. the medicines are not under your control, 4 the diseases are not under your control and finally the market price never controllable or predictable. So if you start a poultry you have live like DRAUPATI, despite marrid to five strong men she was the target....... The chiks rate was Rs. 36/- twenty days before and now it is Rs.9/- and no body knows ...............
So dairying which will be getting revenues from milk, sale of urine, sale of dung or biogas, sale of spirulina using cowdung slurry and what more you want. If you want work hard and enjoy the returns a composite of dairying, rabbitry, sheep farming, piggery would be ideal and your investments will be safe and you get your profits plouged back every year.
Dont think twice think only one time and take a wise decision.