what type of trees can be grown in Salt water intruded area



New Member
This is my first post in this website.
I have a land about 2 acres in sub-urbs. Though we used to do cultivate rice, the land is now uncultivable due to sea water intrusion.
I wish to know what type of trees that can be grown in such soil which needs less maintenance (since we have moved out of that place) and good returns. The area is now developing with new houses, but I don't want to sell that land nor do I have enough money to build on it.

So I wish to know the possible trees which can be grown in such soil and requiring less maintenance and good returns.


Senior Member
Dear Sir: you have not mentioned the area in which you want information. Sea water intrusion means in the entire world there may be 1000s of climatic conditions.


Senior Member
In AndhraPradesh, south india: Tespesia populinea, Acacia nilotica under variety of controlled soil / area/flood level modifications. Cultivation of species like Rhizophora mucrinata etc. viviparous germination species are uneconomical.
