Weed molds (Incaps) in Mushroom



New Member
Dear All,

All my mushroom clutivation is going wast due to very high growth of Weed molds (Incaps) in mushroom can you please help me solve this big problem.

Thanking you.



The humidity provided must be high ,control the temperature and humidity. Sanitation and hygiene are the most important practices to avoid mould.


Inky Caps

Dear Friend,
Inky caps or coprinus are not infection as such. They are indicating fungi that indicates that there is unhealthy condition in your farm or compost. They usually come out when there is high moisture to the extent of creating anaerobic condition in your compost bed, or the temperature is extremely high which kills your regular mushroom mycelia, or there is ammonia present in the compost. Basically good quality straw and good healthy cultivation practices can save you from this menace.
Wishing you,
Happy Mushroom Growing,
Gayatri Agri Hort.

Best Quality Mushroom Spawn in Bulk

Dear Friends,
Our company Gayatri Agri Hort produces 1st generation spawn of all cultivated mushroom varieties in bulk.
Our price includes packing and forwarding(by train) to any place in India connected with train to our place.
Our price is Rs.62 per kilogram for Oyster mushroom , Paddy Straw mushroom and Milky mushroom spawn, and Rs.72 per kilogram for Button mushroom, Shiitake and Ganoderma spawn.
We are interested in appointing agents who can sell our spawn at various mushroom growing centres in India. We can enter into long term agreement in price fixation if the order is regular and fairly large. This would give you advantage over market fluctuations.
Contact us before your competitor enters into agreement with us.
Happy Mushroom growing,
Gayatri Agri Hort.


Dear Friends,
Our company Gayatri Agri Hort produces 1st generation spawn of all cultivated mushroom varieties in bulk.
Our price includes packing and forwarding(by train) to any place in India connected with train to our place.
Our price is Rs.62 per kilogram for Oyster mushroom , Paddy Straw mushroom and Milky mushroom spawn, and Rs.72 per kilogram for Button mushroom, Shiitake and Ganoderma spawn.
We are interested in appointing agents who can sell our spawn at various mushroom growing centres in India. We can enter into long term agreement in price fixation if the order is regular and fairly large. This would give you advantage over market fluctuations.
Contact us before your competitor enters into agreement with us.
Happy Mushroom growing,
Gayatri Agri Hort.
Please contact me by PM as I am interested to start on commercial basis. Thanks. Also you mention your e-mail number to contact you.
