We provide funds / loans



New Member
Dear Friend,
I represent an International funding agency based in the United Sates of America.Ours is an NGO.We would like to fund Mega Agricultural projects to the tune of 250Cr to 2500Cr from Government,trusts,cooperative bodies,private firms,individuals and NGOs.

There is no collateral security needed in this case.What we need is a good project and which is beneficial for the mass, it can be in:

1) Medicinal plants
2) Aromatic Plants
3)Organic farming
4) Tissue Culture
5) Ground water exploration
6) Flori culture
7) Green House
8) Irrigation
9) Sugarcane plantation with factory making sugar
10)Sunflower,soya,cottonseed,corn oil plantations with extraction units

Or Anything related to seedes, flowers, plants, cattle farming is considered

It is an international funding and funding interest rates are very low.The repayment are done from the revenue generated from the business itself after the successful completion of the project.So it is imperative to have a very good viable and feasible project report professionally made in place at the very first stage itself.
If you do not have a project which is more than 250Cr you cannot apply.In such case you can coordinate with big organizations and get things done.

If you have any further enquiry kindly contact me back.It must be an agricultural project.


international funding for projects

I am running an NGO and interested in the project finance. Please give me ur mail ID & contact number or mail brief details
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We are running a NGO inthe farming field . we r interested your finance, Pls send the details.
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Fund for Flora park

Dear Mr. Maxo

Greetings for the day!!!

Hi, I am Nitipalsinh Sisodiya, Owner of Matrix Technology, based at Mumbai working in the field of distributing security surveillance systems to pan India from last 8 years.
& also Co owner at Joshaba Flora Park & Agro Company Pvt. Ltd based in Dhule District of Maharashtra engaged in cultivation in the land of 5 Hector of Touch Rose & Gerbera.

Looking towards future expansion of industry for export of other species of cut flowers.

So this mail comes in relation to the discussion for setting up Floriculture Park Joint Venture project for growing 100% export oriented cut flowers species, on land of 40 Hectors in Nashik district. Nashik Is one of the coolest city of Maharashtra which is also declared as a green zone for cultivation of export oriented species By horticulture production

We at Our Company seeking a co operation envisioned to venture into the Floriculture industry. Wants a comprehensive business plan and assistance on funding and implementation to establish a Floriculture firm.

Taking all this in mind we would like to meet for table talk for your consulting assistance as well as seeking joint venture for our group.

Thank you.
Nitipalsinh Sisodiya
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Dairy farm project

Dear Maxo ,

I have the project proposal for dairy farm and milk processing project for more than 250 crores. Earlier I have also replied to you but there is no comment from your side.

Fraud Funds

I like to warn all my friends here-DO not get tempted and rush for obtaining funds on LOW interests.Please Please Do not fall into Looting Africans Traps who are active on the Indian Sub-continent.It is one way all the time to send the registration fee and therafter you never never receive any funds.

Hai, Iam genuine Dairy farmer and different kinds of agri activities. Let me know whether u will funds for my projects.

Funding for Organic Farming etc

Dear Friend,
I represent an International funding agency based in the United Sates of America.Ours is an NGO.We would like to fund Mega Agricultural projects to the tune of 250Cr to 2500Cr from Government,trusts,cooperative bodies,private firms,individuals and NGOs.

There is no collateral security needed in this case.What we need is a good project and which is beneficial for the mass, it can be in:

1) Medicinal plants
2) Aromatic Plants
3)Organic farming
4) Tissue Culture
5) Ground water exploration
6) Flori culture
7) Green House
8) Irrigation
9) Sugarcane plantation with factory making sugar
10)Sunflower,soya,cottonseed,corn oil plantations with extraction units

Or Anything related to seedes, flowers, plants, cattle farming is considered

It is an international funding and funding interest rates are very low.The repayment are done from the revenue generated from the business itself after the successful completion of the project.So it is imperative to have a very good viable and feasible project report professionally made in place at the very first stage itself.
If you do not have a project which is more than 250Cr you cannot apply.In such case you can coordinate with big organizations and get things done.

If you have any further enquiry kindly contact me back.It must be an agricultural project.




We Have 450 acre Land Near NCR here Destination Delhi to 35 Km in Greater noida, and We have A Company here Name Dropdiherbals marketing Pvt. Ltd. Then Third Org DROPDIHERBOTECH (Jaipur) Rajasthan Then Fourth Org. The noble house Restorent Suchted at Greater Noida, Then fifth Orgation The Noble Dairy Farm in This Farm 350 Buffello And Cows and calves. Please Visite US > Dropdi Herbals Pvt. Ltd. and Contect to by mail and cell. With Thanks.
Verry Warm


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pig farming

im hariharan from madurai
im intrested to have a pig farm of my own im estimated 10 lakh of initial investment without land its a high profit business can u help me in this project

Hi Mano.

We are working on large scale agri project in India.Request you to share your mail id & contact no to discuss further.

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Dear Maxo,

I am an ex-banker and would be keen to work on the initiative in India. I can help in identification and preliminary assessment of projects, preparation of project reports, support in pre-sanction and post-sanction processes, monitoring of investment etc...
Appreciate your views on my email
kind regards
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we have NGO and in my NGO 1000 acer lend in Gujrat.we are interested so send me detail
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