We offer loan for any project



New Member
Agri project in the Democratic Republic of Congo

I have app.1000hectares of agriculture land in Lubumbashi,DRC. Where only about 50 hectares has been cleared and we are growing vegetables in about 12 hectares.I have all kinds of heavy equipments required for the farm.
I am interested in getting a loan to the tune of a million dollars to help me exploit the 1000 hectares,cattle farming and other commercial farming.I have properties which can be put as guarantee against the same.If there is a possibility please let me know and we can take it further.

Madhu Pillai


New Member
Want to start emu bird farming

Funding above one million USD for any kind of Projects:
• Loan Tenure 5 – 10 years
• Rate of Interest 5.5% p.a.
• Closing time 2 months
• No Legal fees
• we can fund up to 95% of project cost.
* should the project is profitable. *1% commission will be charged as a inter mediator fees once funding. Contact if you have some project.

I am interested in farming emu Birds. Where i have some agriculture land some of 2 acres. So could u please tell me details of loan.I will be waiting for your reply.
Post the details to my mail id:
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New Member
Agri project in the Democratic Republic of Congo

I have app.1000hectares of agriculture land in Lubumbashi,DRC. Where only about 50 hectares has been cleared and we are growing vegetables in about 12 hectares.I have all kinds of heavy equipments required for the farm.
I am interested in getting a loan to the tune of a million dollars to help me exploit the 1000 hectares,cattle farming and other commercial farming.I have properties which can be put as guarantee against the same.If there is a possibility please let me know and we can take it further.

Madhu Pillai


New Member
Project Loan

We have a proposal for a commercial poultry project in Zaheerabad Mandal Medak Dist. 100km. from Hyderabad. Project includes 30,000p. week commercial broiler, Hatchery, and a 10,000 Breeder farm. Project will be a franchise of Venketeshwara Hatcheries dealing only in COBB breed. Project value 4Cr. plus if interested please contact the undersigned on "reach.ahmed@yahoo.com.
The proposer has 20 years experience in poultry management.

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Active Member

Pl send me your mail id to discuss terms and conditions

Funding above one million USD for any kind of Projects:
• Loan Tenure 5 – 10 years
• Rate of Interest 5.5% p.a.
• Closing time 2 months
• No Legal fees
• we can fund up to 95% of project cost.
* should the project is profitable. *1% commision will be charged as a intermediator fees once funding. Contact if you have some project.
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New Member
Thanks to all. My present lender is not interested in below 3 crores investment projects. So, if you have above than that only please contact now.
i need funding of 5 crore for my mushroom plant, kindly provide me your contact number and the list of documents you need for the above said loan...


Dear Sir,

Please let me know you organisation address and contact number.



Funding above one million USD for any kind of Projects:
• Loan Tenure 5 – 10 years
• Rate of Interest 5.5% p.a.
• Closing time 2 months
• No Legal fees
• we can fund up to 95% of project cost.
* should the project is profitable. *1% commision will be charged as a intermediator fees once funding. Contact if you have some project.


Project Financing

Dear Sir, We are looking for USD 2 million for poultry project in Hyderabad. please forward terms & conditions.
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Project Financing

forward terms n conditions for USD 2million for poultry farm project

Funding above one million USD for any kind of Projects:
• Loan Tenure 5 – 10 years
• Rate of Interest 5.5% p.a.
• Closing time 2 months
• No Legal fees
• we can fund up to 95% of project cost.
* should the project is profitable. *1% commision will be charged as a intermediator fees once funding. Contact if you have some project.
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New Member
Integrated organic faming systems

K.M.H.Agro Tech Farm Pvt Ltd. (Integrated Organic Farming systems), Business is based on Natural Resources, so protecting the Environment is Integral to Our Future.
Organic is Good for People and the Environment, and Did You Know it could be Great Business too. Growing and Farming is Protect Your Investments
Our Nature Organic Agri Farm is Running Since 2006 Lands cultivating will be Organic methods, & Integrated Faming Systems (Coconut, Rubber, Areca Nut, Pepper, Nut Mugg, Banana, Papaya, Mango, Mangostian, Philosan, Rubbutan, Teak, and Mahagani. Dairy, Poultry, Goat, Rabbit, Turkey, Duck, Fish and Honey Bee...Etc…).
The land is located 37 KM from Thrissur town towards Palghat, on NH47 In, VADAKKENCHERRY – PALGHAT DISTRICT, KERALA.
Situated Back Water River View in 4.5 hectares land………………. (49800 Sqmt, 536,000 Sqft, 12.30 Acre. Registered) Invested in 40/45 Million Rupees. (4.5Cores).
Planning to Extend of the Project to 25 acres
(Present Area Market Price for One Acre Land is 35/45/=Lakhs.43560 Sqft). Total investment is 80 Million Rupees (Eight Cores).

project funding

Hi everybody,
We do not work with one lender. We have scores of lenders and all of them have their own T&Cs. Hence Terms and conditions differ on case to case basis. so, if you interested please sent project proposals to
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venky t

Active Member
pls contact me

Dear Sir,

i have projects worth 400 crores which have been approved by Government.

Please contact me.



New Member
Dear sir,

This is A V Krishna Rao from Andhra Prdesh. We are proposing a large scale fully mechanised dairy unit in A.P. The cost of the project is USD 5.7 Million. We are looking for a loan of USD 5 Million. Please reply if you can arrange so that i can send you full details.

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New Member
Funding above one million USD for any kind of Projects:
• Loan Tenure 5 – 10 years
• Rate of Interest 5.5% p.a.
• Closing time 2 months
• No Legal fees
• we can fund up to 95% of project cost.
* should the project is profitable. *1% commision will be charged as a intermediator fees once funding. Contact if you have some project.
i have a project planting mahogany nd gmelina trees.
pls send me terms and conditons to avail this loan..
thank you


New Member
Funding above one million USD for any kind of Projects:
• Loan Tenure 5 – 10 years
• Rate of Interest 5.5% p.a.
• Closing time 2 months
• No Legal fees
• we can fund up to 95% of project cost.
* should the project is profitable. *1% commision will be charged as a intermediator fees once funding. Contact if you have some project.
We have 4 acres of land at khurda dist of orissa. We ould like to setup a goat farm along with plantation. with a project cost of Rs.70 lacs. Pls.inform me about the procedure to obtained such loan. The firm is on partnership basis. the presnt land is in the name of three partner.
My mail id. is :
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Request for funding for sandalwood farm

Funding above one million USD for any kind of Projects:
• Loan Tenure 5 – 10 years
• Rate of Interest 5.5% p.a.
• Closing time 2 months
• No Legal fees
• we can fund up to 95% of project cost.
* should the project is profitable. *1% commision will be charged as a intermediator fees once funding. Contact if you have some project.
Dear sir

I am a planter having more than 50,000 teak plants of more than 15 years. Also I planted 2500 sandal seedlings last year.

However, I want to expand the sandalwood plantation to more than 100 acres. For this, I shall need around Rs 5 crores. I can cover upto 1-1.5 croes but will be needing funds to the tune of Rs 3-3.5 crores.

I am enclosing a breif description about sandal farming, cost & profits for your kind info. & consideration.

If interested, Please contact me at:
email: wilsongangmei@gmail.com
Mob: 09863667170/09862092107
Tel: 03862-235533



The question arrises why should we plant sandalwood? to answer, sandal wood and its products are one of the finest perfumery materials since ages. The demand for the natural srigandha is increasing faster than of supply. Because of scarcity and supply industries are constrained to use alternates similar to Indian sandal wood, imported from different countries. Sandalwood (Chandan) and its products find use from cradle to cremation in human life. Even in temples imported chandan is used as to give prasadam. Sandal wood oil, because of its unique chemical and physical properties it has acquired a special place in aroma therapy medicine, perfumery, agarbatti Soaps and Detergents, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and allied industries.

Santalum Album Line (Sandal wood) is commonly known as Chandan, Srigandha. Naturally grown sandal wood can find in Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Andra, Kerala, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, U.P, Manipur and in some other states. Chandan is known all over the world as East Indian sandal wood and is prized for its quality of oil and heart wood. Chandana is also considered as medicinal plant and is used on large scale in the manufacture of Ayurvadic Medicines. National Medicinal Plant Board, govt.of India had recognized as a Medicinal and Aromatic Plant. This is endangered species too.
Sandal wood is an evergreen tree attaining a Height of 12 to 15 Meter and girth of 100 to 200cms. At breast height. It is semi –root parasite plant found in association with other plants.
There are many varieties in sandal wood. The best variety is known to till (Santalum Album line.

Organic Farming of sandal wood cultivation :

Sandal wood can be grown in variety of soil and ranging different climatic condition and temperature, not restricted to any region or area. The plantation grown Sandal wood with intensive cultivation in organic manner gives good results than the natural once. The naturally grown Chandan tree requires more than 30 years for harvesting, where as invasively cultivated plants starts formation of scented heart wood around 10 to 25 kgs. with the width of 30 cm and 65 cm. in 10 to 15 years. These results are based on the actual existing plantation in nearby places. The management practices, irrigation, fertilization, soil working, drainage, inducing stress and manipulation in hosteria are the main criteria for the early growth. Yearly growth around 2cm to 5 cm. it is cleat that sandal wood prefers a well drained, moderately fertile land and the heart wood the oil content in the wood seems to be better under drier conditions.

SAPPLINGS FOR PLANTATION: Collected seed from August to march with identified seed collecting area of the age between 15 to 25 years plants, dried and treated seeds used for sowing by indigiones or scientific method. Well developed healthy seedlings of 6 to 8 months old is ideal for planting in the farm. May and June is right time for planting.


Sandalwood is a semi root Parasite Plant. To grow well it will depend on a host plant. In the beginning we will provide Toordal.

In one acre land total plants be around 435. the distance from plant to plant is 10ft (10’*10’). The pits size 45cm*45cm*45cm. Water should not stagnate in pit. In summer we should provide water twice a week (2liters each plant) and Bio – fertilizer, weeding is necessary. After 3 to 4 years of cultivation it will starts flowering, by that time the formation of heart wood take place. After 12 years each plant may yield almost 10 to 25 kg of heart wood I.e., depend upon the growth of the tree. If we cultivate properly by 12 years the girth may around 60 cm at breast level. The oil content in root is 4% to 6% each year the growth will be 5cm

The Costing Per Acre

Plant Rs. 50*435 = 21,750.00
Host plants Rs. 10*435 = 4,350.00
Planting cost (Including soil workings, Pits @ 5/=each Rs.4350.00
Cost of drip irrigation = Rs. 1,05,000.00
Fencing = Rs. 42,000.00
Annual weeding & soil working for 8 years (Rs.2000x8) =16,000.00
Irrigation (Rs.2000 x 8) =16,000.00
Fertilization (Rs.5000 x 8) =40,000.00
Security & vigilance (Rs.36000/-per year) for 8 Yers Rs. 2,88,000.00
Total Exp. = Rs. 5,37,450.00


No of sandalwood trees eligible for extraction 305

Quantity of heart wood expected per tree-15 kgs =4575 kgs/acre

Average cost of sandalwood heart wood (Rs. 6000/ Kg)= Rs.2,74,50,000

Total Expenditure incurred per acre = Rs. 5,37,450

Land & other infrastructures per acre = Rs. 18,15,000

NET PROFIT WOULD BE MORE THAN = Rs. 2,50,00,000/ Acre Approx.

Food Processing and Cold Storage Projects in Uttarakhand

Dear Mr. Markadambal,

We have some projects in the field of Food Processing alongwith Setting Up of Cold Storage and Cold Chain in Uttarakhand. The project costs more than 5 crores and is very lucratively profitable. The returns are quite excellent and the project meets with the priorities set by Uttarakhand Government.

If you find it worthwhile, please contact at giving a sms stating FOOD PROCESSING PROJECT.

hoping to hear you soon,
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