We Need to Clean the Corn Before Flour Mill Machine to Ensure Normal Operationa


joanna yan

Senior Member
Under many circumstances, before FLOUR MILL MACHINE working, we should clean the corn first.
1. The impurities in the corn may increase the processing material weight and corn volume so as to increase transportation and storage time.
2. The corn impurities can affect corn safety storage, and even bring big damage to corn flour processing, which will directly affect our sales cost and benefits.
Therefore, it can improve flour mill machine efficiency and ensure production safety by corn cleaning. Besides, it can improve corn products purity, ensure our health, reduce transportation and storage charges and realize safe storage.
If there has big and light impurities, such as straw, weeds, paper scraps and hemp rope in the corn, it may easily block the running piping, hamper normal production, or block the feeding mechanism of flour mill machine, which can make the feeding uneven, reduce the feeding rate, the technological efficiency and the processing capacity in flour mill machine working. Sometimes, it may block the sieve pore, and make the corn mix with big impurities, which will cause corn waste.
From the above, we know that we need to clean corn before flour mill machine working. This is a necessary step before flour mill machine working. To ensure normal flour mill machine, we should pay attention to this.
:rolleyes:see more details on www.flour-milling-machine.com
contact me through wintone10@wintonemachinery.com
