Warehouse on rent to FCI



New Member

We have a 5/6 bighas of land in around Burdawan area of West Bengal, we are interested in building a warehouse for storage for food and give it on rent to Food Corporation of India, Is there any project consultant or agents of FCI who could mature our project.


Divyesh Mehta
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Long term lease of godown by FCI

FCI announce its interest for long term lease of Godowns constructed by private entrepreneurs through tenders. Please check local FCI website or website of state warehousing corporation.

Minimum capacity of non-railside godown should be 5000 metric ton. Land required for 5000 metric ton godown is 2 acre.

Preference given for godowns within 8 km from rack point.


We have a 5/6 bighas of land in around Burdawan area of West Bengal, we are interested in building a warehouse for storage for food and give it on rent to Food Corporation of India, Is there any project consultant or agents of FCI who could mature our project.


Divyesh Mehta

Technical support for 10 year lease of godowns by FCI

Quite frequently FCI announces its intent for guaranteed 10 year lease for Storage Warehouse or Godowns to be built by private entrepreneurs. It is excellent opportunity since it adds value to the property & its adjoining areas along with giving assured monthly rental for minimum ten years.

Minimum capacity of godown should be 5000 MT in plain areas, and 1670 MT in hilly areas. Godowns of capacity 25000 MT or above should have private railway siding. Land area needed is 2 acre for 5000 MT godown. Location should be strategic, which we will discuss upon hearing from you.

Persons having sound networth, and applying for such tender notifications by FCI or State Warehousing Corporation may contact us for following services:

  • Support for filing technical bid & price bid
  • Architectural layout plan as per FCI specifications
  • Feasibility report, in case of railway siding godown, as required by FCI
  • Structural design as per FCI specifications
  • Civil construction cost estimate as per specifications
  • Bill of Quantity as per specifications
  • Support for laying railway tracks
  • Support for obtaining bank guarantee from nationalized banks
  • Completion of bankable project report, and liaison for its sanction
  • Support for subsidy from NABARD as per eligibility
  • Schedule for timely completion of construction

Here FCI permits for additional storage e.g. cold storage, mandis, private warehousing, or for any food processing industries in vicinity. We can work on turnkey basis for setting up these ventures, if entrepreneur desire so.

For detail write to us, informing complete particulars. While writing to us, we suggest you to download the tender form and send as an attachment.

If you are registered user here, click on our username top-left above, on pop-down menu you will find link for our website and contact particulars.
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