Wanted Wanted wheat suppliers on regular basis.


Please specify which kind of Wheat? Organic or Non-Organic? We can Supply you both on Regular Basis.
Regds., Firoz Hassan. Green Farm Organic, Allahabad. Mbl. 9795495543 & 9559944441

gree17a3 Member
Please specify which kind of Wheat? Organic or Non-Organic? We can Supply you both on Regular Basis.
Regds., Firoz Hassan. Green Farm Organic, Allahabad. Mbl. 9795495543 & 9559944441

Dear Sir,
Please furnish information as under.
Whether it is suitable to get supply in bags of 40 kg / 50 kg. of clean wheat, ready to make flour ?
There are two varieties:
1. Lok -1 - Second to Best for chapati/ bread making with good taste.
2. Sharabati 306 : Best in India for chapati making.
3. Please mention total demand in quantity along with duration.
4. Destination of supply.
5. Mode of payment.
We can quote our rates after hearing from you.
Email: pratapagribiotech@gmail.com
Mob: 9826057285

We are e-age farmers consortium - a multi state organic farmers group ,
Currently we have following varieties of native wheat - Lokwan ,Emmar ,Bansi ,Sharbati ,Kudrsat .
We have last year's aged crop , fresh harvest will be ready by the end of early March . We also undertake contract cultivation of the same . For more details please contact : S. Das , Mob ; 08017817285

Wheat Varieties Available with us- Kedar, RR-21, Deva, Kundan, UP-262 & Malviya-234.
Mustard Research Variety- Varuna & Bayer's 5450.For more details please contact: Mr. Firoz Hassan.
Mbl. 9795495543 & 9559944441.
