Wanted Wanted to buy minimum 50 Acres cheap land in the radius of 100-120 kms from Mumbai/Navi Mumbai.


Hello. I am looking to buy cheap land in the radius of 100-120 kms from Mumbai/Navi Mumbai. I am not from Maharashtra so I am trying to understand which will be the ideal place for farming with not so high prices. I am planning to use the land for mixed crop and I am looking for a big chuck of minimum 50 Acres.
I can help you in this requirement can you mail me the detial requirement at zeffery.dsouza@rediffmail.com or contact me on 9819209931

Minimum price and how much Land you have? My what's App no. 9324186600

QUOTE="neha16483, post: 26030, member: 293560"]I have agricultural Land/farm house near Mandangad Konkan District Ratnagiri.Its a state highway main road dam touch property with ready plantation. All documents are clear.If interested please email us- neha16483@gmail.com[/QUOTE]
