WANTED - Stockists & Distributors for innovative Agri Inputs -

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are manufacturers of PGR's with Bio Fertilizers. An innovative revolution in the field of agriculture for a sustainable agri practice.
In the field of bio technology (using solely organic constituents) the novel and innovative products has been found out with fermetation technology, which would be a great boon for the agriculturists.

Name of our Products

N - Nitrovin
P - BioMagic
K - Kvin (Will be launched in March end)

Main Ingredients of all products

PGRs - Passive but Immediate Effect
Microbes - Active & Long Endurance.

PGRs + Microbes = Healthy Plants & Min 30-40% increase in Yield, Size & Quality.

Our products are of Very High Quality.

Few field examples are given below:
a. On mulbery leaves the product has given a minimum of 1.9g cocoon from its original weight of 1.4g
b. On rice from a test field of 40 cents there was an increase of around 400Kg in comparison with the control field.
c. On sampangi (Magnolia champaca) plants from 32 buds average of control the treated plant were giving 44 buds on an average.
d. On Mango and Banana a clear preponderance of 30-40% yield was achieved with same set of cultural conditions.
e. On cotton, we got 30-40% increase in number of the seed pods which is directly proportional to the yield of cotton.
The size of the pod was also having a clear preponderance.
f. On tea, around 25-30% extra yield has been reported with excellent aroma. Increased size & turgidity of tea leaves.
g. On coconut, great results were observed in means of size & increased number of coconuts. Increased sweetness.
h. On marigold flowers, we got 45-50% extra yield

Pls feel free to contact us in case of any queries.

Warm Regards,
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Could u please provide the product details, their packing and prices. Information about competitors if u have done any market survey. The area for which you intend to appoint distributors.
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Interested distributorship for AP

Dear sir,

We are interested in marketing your product in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Could u please provide the product details, their packing and prices and Business proposition.

Thanking you and look forward for long and cordial business relationship

With warm regards
Nagbhushanam goud
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Distributorship for West Bengal

Dear Sir,
We are interested for distributorship for North Bengal. Kindly contact us with your detailed terms & conditions
Bhaskar Goon,
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Dear Sir,
We are much intrested in the business of Bio Fertilizers for Maharastra, hence, kindly send us your detailed information. We are working at the Districts of South Maharastra and Noth Karnataka.
Trully yours, Subhash Rajurikar
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Pls contact

Details mailed to the all the above people. Pls chk your SPAM box, if mail not in INBOX.

Warm Regards,
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regarding fertiliser

dear sir,

I my self having 75 Acers of land .I wanted to use your product.pl quote your rate

Thank you

Gopal Reddy.
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Stockists-PGR's with Bio Fertilizers

Dear Sir,
I am interested in going with an agreement for a stockist and distributer.Kindly let me know the terms and conditions and also ur contact details
Dear Sir/Madam,

We are manufacturers of PGR's with Bio Fertilizers. An innovative revolution in the field of agriculture for a sustainable agri practice.
In the field of bio technology (using solely organic constituents) the novel and innovative products has been found out with fermetation technology, which would be a great boon for the agriculturists.

Name of our Products

N - Nitrovin
P - BioMagic
K - Kvin (Will be launched in March end)

Main Ingredients of all products

PGRs - Passive but Immediate Effect
Microbes - Active & Long Endurance.

PGRs + Microbes = Healthy Plants & Min 30-40% increase in Yield, Size & Quality.

Our products are of Very High Quality.

Few field examples are given below:
a. On mulbery leaves the product has given a minimum of 1.9g cocoon from its original weight of 1.4g
b. On rice from a test field of 40 cents there was an increase of around 400Kg in comparison with the control field.
c. On sampangi (Magnolia champaca) plants from 32 buds average of control the treated plant were giving 44 buds on an average.
d. On Mango and Banana a clear preponderance of 30-40% yield was achieved with same set of cultural conditions.
e. On cotton, we got 30-40% increase in number of the seed pods which is directly proportional to the yield of cotton.
The size of the pod was also having a clear preponderance.
f. On tea, around 25-30% extra yield has been reported with excellent aroma. Increased size & turgidity of tea leaves.
g. On coconut, great results were observed in means of size & increased number of coconuts. Increased sweetness.
h. On marigold flowers, we got 45-50% extra yield

Pls feel free to contact us in case of any queries.

Warm Regards,

thegenetech@gmail.com - 919840899320

Dear Sir,

Kindly contact me

Warm Regards,
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