Wanted land in 150 km radius of Bangalore



Looking for land in 150km radius of Bangalore. The land does not need to be on main road, a bit interiour is fine. Looking for not more than 2L per acre.

Lands in Tamilnadu or Andhra (Chittoor area) are preferred as these states have lesser restrictions on land ownership.

Looking for at least 25 acres.
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we have land

hello sir
we have land near by kanchepuram with water fecility please contact

Looking for land in 150km radius of Bangalore. The land does not need to be on main road, a bit interiour is fine. Looking for not more than 2L per acre.

Lands in Tamilnadu or Andhra (Chittoor area) are preferred as these states have lesser restrictions on land ownership.

Looking for at least 25 acres.
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