Wanted Wanted jatropha plants to do jatropha farming.



New Member
Do not have a plantation of jatropha as all developed nations banned the same as its seeds are harmful to young cattle and goats too.


New Member
Hello Bhau-Bhide, Is there any documentary evidences of the ban that you could point to? The reason why I am asking is that we are planning for a seed extraction unit in Bangalore.

Hi Yathin,
you are looking for jatropha plant right. I don't know exactly where it will get .you can search for this plant in this E-commerce website www.plantslive.in?ref=TC001. May be you will get . I usually buy different varieties of plants from this website.


Established Member
Wanted jatropha plants to do jatropha farming in 5 acres
Hi Mr. Yathin, We can supply Jatropha curcus plants any number on order. Kindly contact us on 040 27721868; 7730016616 between 11am to 3pm. We are located in Hyderabad, Telangana State.
