wanted giriraja chicks / vana raja chicks



New Member
Im mahi ,working in UAE.i want start a poultry farms in my home land.can any help me to buy vana raja /giri raja chicks.

Wanted Rhode island red

Hi, i m from karnataka, india .
I want Rhode island red, giri/vana raja chickens.
If any one have plz mail me
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Hi, i m from karnataka, india .
I want Rhode island red, giri/vana raja chickens.
If any one have plz mail me(ecsrinu@gmail.com) or contact me(+919945927626).


There is govt poultry farm where they will sell giriraja chicks in hebbal and hesarghatta.

You need to book chicks one month before for one chick 12 rupees they will charge.


Giriraja chicks for sale

Im mahi ,working in UAE.i want start a poultry farms in my home land.can any help me to buy vana raja /giri raja chicks.

Dear sir

we supply Chicks like 1) Pure Country chicks (Nati) -15 days old- 55 rs/ chick
2) Cross Nati chicks-15 days old- 35 Rs/ chick
3) Giriraja chicks- 15 days old- 44 Rs/ chick
3) Turkey chicks- 30 days old- 150 Rs/ chick

with 0% mortality and 4 types of vaccinations

Interested customers can contact
Baskar S.S.

Domestic chicken

Dear Sir,
Pls come back and call me for your chicken raja's.
All the best.
I want Swarndhara or vanraj or giri raj domestic chicken for
one month or two week at Rajasthan.
the price and availablity. Thanks and regards.
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Im mahi ,working in UAE.i want start a poultry farms in my home land.can any help me to buy vana raja /giri raja chicks.
Im bhanu ,i want start a poultry farms in my home land.can any help me to buy vana raja /giri raja chicks.

Hi i want Giriraja Vanaraja chicks, iam living in Khammam Andrapradesh, can any help me to buy vana raja /giri raja chicks.

hi...i want giriraja chicks near by gudivada area, krishna district, andhra pradesh.....is there any government hatchey selling them near by? please respond ASAP....thanks in advance

Dear sir

we supply Chicks like 1) Pure Country chicks (Nati) -15 days old- 55 rs/ chick
2) Cross Nati chicks-15 days old- 35 Rs/ chick
3) Giriraja chicks- 15 days old- 44 Rs/ chick
3) Turkey chicks- 30 days old- 150 Rs/ chick

with 0% mortality and 4 types of vaccinations

Interested customers can contact
Baskar S.S.

I am interested in buying best quality country chicken 500 Birds. I want to start commercial country chicken egg supply business,so the best breed with Max. annual eggs production is preferred.Please send the details on my email ronnie.rony123@gmail.com


