Wanted Wanted Farmers for medicinal plants cultivation under buyback

I am from nagaland northeast india we have mosmbi farm it bears good fruit its all organic. what are the term of your contract and offer priceses please contact


I would be interested in doing contractual farming on reguards of medicinal plants. I have a land of about more than 15+acres.

I would be eagerly waiting for your proposals.

With reguards,
Vishist Gupta.

Dear sir,
we have more than 1000 acres of land in katni , panna & umaria dist of madhyapradesh.we are already cultivating lemaon grass , pamarosa ,jawa cettrenella ,cn5& other essential oil crop. if you have economically better crop then we are intrested in farming with you .
If you have plz contact
gourav agrotech

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are Hyderabad based company doing herbal extracts&exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.Form house holders like Mosambi,lemon,chikoo,coconet,sugarcane pomegranate,guava etc, also needed.We can provide you planting materials.Farmers from Andhra pradesh,Karnataka,Tamilnadu,orissa are preferable.
Interested parties May Please feel free to contact me




I would be pleased to state that I am from bhubaneswar (orissa) & I own a land of around 15+acres which is 6-7 km away from the city. I am interested in using that part of my land for agriculture purpose. Please forward me some of your proposals. So that we can have something ahead.

I would be eagerly waiting for your response.

With reguards,
Vishist Gupta.

production of herbal plant and its extract

Dear Sir
I work for a USA based company for the production and processing of a herbal plant which can grow well in south India. Pl let me know if you can go in for this business. The demand is high and regular for years and approximately about 2oo acres of production area needs to be covered. I f desired please contact;

we are planning to devolop the land in Maharashtra konkan region,

approximate land is above 500 acre,

pls suggest if it is possible for this land devolop to herbal plantation, water is avilable in the land


peter chazoor
Please contact..

herbal plantation-buyback

sir, im interested in buyback based herbal plantation.i would like to know more about your proposals.pls contact me by mail or cell-

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are Hyderabad based company doing herbal extracts&exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.Form house holders like Mosambi,lemon,chikoo,coconet,sugarcane pomegranate,guava etc, also needed.We can provide you planting materials.Farmers from Andhra pradesh,Karnataka,Tamilnadu,orissa are preferable.
Interested parties May Please feel free to contact me


Gud evening madhov

i am kashi, i had intrest in herbal & medical plants cultivation i had saw ur add and i have intrest to cultivate the crops
please contact
name :kashi

accept your requst

Good evening sir

i am kashi i had intrest in cutivation of medical & herbal plants
i had saw ur add in agriculture infarmation.com so i am intrest to cultivate herbal plants so if you kindly provide me the details i can undertake the cultivation of crops

contact- thanking you
name :kashi
Please contact...

pl contact us for CONTRACT FAARMING of medicinal plants suitable to your soil.kindly give ur e-mail id/address/phone numbers to our pvt message box.

This is to your Reference

Pls email me all the details of project.

Please contact...

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are Hyderabad based company doing herbal extracts&exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.Form house holders like Mosambi,lemon,chikoo,coconet,sugarcane pomegranate,guava etc, also needed.We can provide you planting materials.Farmers from Andhra pradesh,Karnataka,Tamilnadu,orissa are preferable.
Interested parties May Please feel free to contact me



Dear Madhav

Please email the detailed business plan of you for supplying & buy back Medicinal herbs. We are into contract forming and if the profits are assured and constant, we may go ahead for your proposal. Please email

Thanking you.
Andhra Pradesh

Pls send us your detailed proposal or send me your email-ID to my inbox... We are interested to supply and do contract forming..... We are from madhya pradesh.
Please contact...


I would be pleased to tell you that I live in the capital city of Orissa i.e. Bhubaneswar.

And I have a huge land inherited from my forefathers which I want to use it as agriculture purpose. I have a land of about 15acres. It is a fertile land situated in a distance of 6-7 km from the city of bhubaneshwar. I have just placed some plants there. I would need a proper cousultancy who can guide me on the best which will give me a good return. I would be eagerly interested in doing cultivation. Please tell me all the details reguarding what is to be grown, how it is to be grown, what are the requirements, how much is the investment needed, which crop can be grown which suites the climate the best, where will I get the market to sell those products, storage, etc. Please send me some proposals also which can be or have been done by you.
I want a proper consultancy who can perfectly guide me.

I would be eagerly waiting for your response.

With reguards,

Vishist Gupta

Pls send us your detailed proposal or send me your email-ID to my inbox... We are interested to supply and do contract forming..... We are from AP.
Pls send us your detailed proposal or send me your email-ID to my inbox... We are interested to supply and do contract forming..... We are from Gujarat.
Please contact...

Contract farming

Dear Sir,
I am interested for contract farming with you.
Pls guide about the medicinal crop which you need to purchase.
Dhruv Joshi
Please contact..

Dear all,

pl contact us for CONTRACT FAARMING of medicinal plants suitable to your soil.kindly give ur e-mail id/address/phone numbers to our pvt message box.

we provide all necessary arrangements for contract farming.

with regards

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are Hyderabad based company doing herbal extracts&exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.Form house holders like Mosambi,lemon,chikoo,coconet,sugarcane pomegranate,guava etc, also needed.We can provide you planting materials.Farmers from Andhra pradesh,Karnataka,Tamilnadu,orissa are preferable.
Interested parties May Please feel free to contact me



Hi please provide your contact number or u can call me

