Wanted Wanted Farmers for medicinal plants cultivation under buyback

I am from Sathyamangalam Erode Dist Tamilnadu having 12.5 acres of land. I wish to indulge in contract farming of Herbs in my farm. Kindly send me the details of the crops of herbs sothat I can also involve myself in your network of contract farming.

We are a group of NRIs and planning to establish an organic high-tec farm for pig, goat, emu and fishing with plenty of water, very near to Air-sea ports (for export) near to veterinary hospital, panchayat /municipality offices, police station, railway stations, NH, Shopping centers and near to all kinds of infrastructure facilities.

We are looking some partners from our Mother land, India, and interested to promote agro-tourism, health tourism (Ayurveda, yoga, organic food). Considered land are Munnar and Wynad (Kerala)Neelagiri district in Tamil Nadu (Ooty, Kodaikanal, Goodallur and Yerkad are in Neelagiry District). Ratnagiri and its nearest district to south in Maharashtra. Expected price for land is Rs. one to one and half lacks per acre. Water front is preferred. We will cultivate medicinal plants and export, after processed all in an organic method.

Land will be finalised, once the share holders are approved. We will ask financial aid from state, central, NABARD and from nationalised banks.

If you are interested to participate in this venture, kindly inform us with your finance capacity, so as to limit the number of share holders. One share is priced @ Rs. five lacks, because this will registered as a Private limited company. Total Paid up capital is 20 X 5 lacks = one crores or Rs. 10 million. Maximum partners will be 4 to 8

Also, if you have any good land / offer near to any tourist destination please inform me. I got your reference from Agriculture information. com site.
Thank you for reading my mail and thinking in a positive manner.
C.Muraly Menon.
+974 55 498 321

Dear Mr Pankaj Ghatge

are you in a position to supply any items from the below mentioned list

kindly do email me on pandyak70@gmail.com

Thanks And Regards

Kalpesh P Pandyya

1. Ritha (Sapindus mukorossi)
2. Satvari (Asparagus_recemosus)
3. Hirda (Terminalia chebula)
4. Chirmuth ( Pogostomam parviflorus )
5. Nirgud (Vitex Nirgundo)
6. Bhokar (Cardia latifolia)
7. Tetu (Oroxylum indium)
8. Adusa (Adathoda vasica)
9. Tulsi (Osimum sanctum)
10. Kumbhai (Careta arborea)
11. Pals (butea Monosperm)
12. Shid (bauchimia racemosa)
13. Jaswand (Hibiscus rosa sinensis)
14. Shed (Phoenix sylvestris)
15. Asand (Brindelia retusa)
16. Kali Kudas (Wrigtia tincorin)
17. Safed kudas (holerina antisyenterica)
18. Lavala (Cyprus Rothandus)
19. Bhansur (Croton Logifolia)
20. Kandu (Sterculia urens)
21. Khair (Acacia Cathenchu)
22. Umber (Ficus racemosa)
23. Pimple (Ficus religosa)
24. Karvard (Carissa caranacea)
25. Vad (Ficus buglensis)
26. Bafle( Peucednamum grandis)
27. Koisene (Hygrophila spinosa)
28. Aadhade (Achyranths aspera)
29. Nimb (Azadiracta Indica)
30. Mahuwa (Madhuca longifolia)

Zero Farms, Maharashtra

I am from Chikmangal distric of Karnataka. Send your proposals,please 7411161588

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are Hyderabad based company doing herbal extracts&exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.Form house holders like Mosambi,lemon,chikoo,coconet,sugarcane pomegranate,guava etc, also needed.We can provide you planting materials.Farmers from Andhra pradesh,Karnataka,Tamilnadu,orissa are preferable.
Interested parties May Please feel free to contact me



I am from Chikmangal distric of Karnataka. Send your proposals,please 7411161588

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are Hyderabad based company doing herbal extracts&exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.Form house holders like Mosambi,lemon,chikoo,coconet,sugarcane pomegranate,guava etc, also needed.We can provide you planting materials.Farmers from Andhra pradesh,Karnataka,Tamilnadu,orissa are preferable.
Interested parties May Please feel free to contact me


I have 25 acres of land near chennai. Can you explain your terms

We plan to cultivate about 50 acres of land medicinal plants
can you guide us including buy back policy

the place is in chennai


Dear Mr Sampath please call me on 09866672765 or send u r cell no..


We plan to cultivate about 50 acres of land medicinal plants
can you guide us including buy back policy

the place is in chennai



Mobile +91 9228752628 email : daxesh4190@yahoo.com
I am having Stevia Morita and SRB 512 mixed seeds. Available quantity is more than 150 k.g.
We also do have stevia dry leaves having a very good quality and sweetness and clean material.
If anyone like to buy stevia seeds and dry leaves can contact is at Mobile Or daxesh4190@yahoo.com

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are Hyderabad based company doing herbal extracts&exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.Form house holders like Mosambi,lemon,chikoo,coconet,sugarcane pomegranate,guava etc, also needed.We can provide you planting materials.Farmers from Andhra pradesh,Karnataka,Tamilnadu,orissa are preferable.
Interested parties May Please feel free to contact me



Dear Sir,
We are Agriculture background having wide network with the Farming commmunity at Nellore, Medak , Kurnool and kadapa district areas. Please send the full details about your requirement as we are interested to join with your programme to promote' Thanking you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

email: bhaskarponnathota@gmail.com
mobile; 0247306052.

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are from Hyderabad our company making herbal extracts.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.Formhouse holders like Mosambi,lemon,chikoo,coconut,pomegranate,oilforms etc, also needed for inter croping of herbs.We can provide you planting materials.Farmers from Andhra pradesh,Karnataka,Tamilnadu,orissa are preferable.
Interested parties May Please feel free to contact me


Hello dear sir this is Gangadhara from Chamarajanagar karnataka & I would like to grow some plants on basis. If anybody interested then please be informed.

Thank You
Gangadhar B


We assure buyback at a minimum pre-fix price along with choice of negotiation at higher price end for all recommended and site-specific medicinal herbs and aromatic grasses.

For detailed discussion from crop selection to market your herbs, please call us onto 09889478275 / 09452268275 or send us Email at sales@pioneeragri.com.


Dr Ubaid Khan, Ph.D. (Soil Science)
