Wanted farmers for medicinal herbs cultivation under buyback

regarding medicinal plants

Hi Sir,
we are from Andhra pradesh,
we have 25 acers of agricultural land. we are planning for cultivating medicinal plants. is there any buy back programme or any info regarding support of post cultivation of medicinal plants?

Please reply me on my private mail
hope I will read mail from you soon

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Agri lands for medicinal herbs cultivation

Hai sir,

I saw your mail. we had around 60 acres of agri land near K.G.F in kolar district in Karnataka. please give me the details.

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medicinal plants

Dear sir,
I am interested in doing this business , I having 2 acres land .
What are the inputs for 2 acres and do you have any project report for bank loan ,
pl provide details . Please treat this as urgent .
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Dear Sir,
i am planning to take agriculture land on lease in chickabalapur, Bangalore rural extent is 4 acres and soil is red about rain fall i donot have details can you suggest Medicinal plants can you mail us details of contract farming
thanks and regards

Lokanath reddy S
