Wanted farmers for medicinal herbs cultivation under buyback

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herbal plantation

I am from coimbatore distric of Tamilnadu. Send your proposals,please contact..........

for any kind of herbal plants , planting materials , plantation related knowledge, marketing of herbal products please contact
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1. Ritha (Sapindus mukorossi)
2. Satvari (Asparagus_recemosus)
3. Hirda (Terminalia chebula)
4. Chirmuth ( Pogostomam parviflorus )
5. Nirgud (Vitex Nirgundo)
6. Bhokar (Cardia latifolia)
7. Tetu (Oroxylum indium)
8. Adusa (Adathoda vasica)
9. Tulsi (Osimum sanctum)
10. Kumbhai (Careta arborea)
11. Pals (butea Monosperm)
12. Shid (bauchimia racemosa)
13. Jaswand (Hibiscus rosa sinensis)
14. Shed (Phoenix sylvestris)
15. Asand (Brindelia retusa)
16. Kali Kudas (Wrigtia tincorin)
17. Safed kudas (holerina antisyenterica)
18. Lavala (Cyprus Rothandus)
19. Bhansur (Croton Logifolia)
20. Kandu (Sterculia urens)
21. Khair (Acacia Cathenchu)
22. Umber (Ficus racemosa)
23. Pimple (Ficus religosa)
24. Karvard (Carissa caranacea)
25. Vad (Ficus buglensis)
26. Bafle( Peucednamum grandis)
27. Koisene (Hygrophila spinosa)
28. Aadhade (Achyranths aspera)
29. Nimb (Azadiracta Indica)
30. Mahuwa (Madhuca longifolia)

Zero Farms, Maharashtra

hi , we have about 200 acres of land in J & K & we are intersted in your proposal.plz send us the details.


Dear Sir
please le us know if you are intersted in north.If yes,please send the details of the project & the offer.. we have more than 200 acres of well irrigated agricultural land in Jammu ( J & K.)


We are Hyderabad based company doing herbal extracts&exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.Form house holders like Mosambi,lemon,chikoo,coconet,sugarcane pomegranate,guava etc, also needed.We can provide you planting materials.Farmers from Andhra pradesh,Karnataka,Tamilnadu,orissa are preferable.
Interested parties May Please feel free to contact me



about safed musli

Hi Madhav
i need your further information like mobile no or mail ID , about safed musli cultivation, ple .

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are Hyderabad based company doing herbal extracts&exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.Form house holders like Mosambi,lemon,chikoo,coconet,sugarcane pomegranate,guava etc, also needed.We can provide you planting materials.Farmers from Andhra pradesh,Karnataka,Tamilnadu,orissa are preferable.
Interested parties May Please feel free to contact me



No trace of this thread starter- Wanted farmers under buyback...

It's interesting to note that this thread started by Madhavs1 has been viewed 11,583 times and replied by nearly 186 members, is missing since 4th Oct 2010 after starting this thread nearly a year back.
Members are still posting in this thread and wasting precious time and waiting endlessly for the reply.
Mr. Madhav probably might have left the company he was representing long back, can't blame him for his silence.


can u give me ur contact details plz


We are Hyderabad based company doing herbal extracts&exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.Form house holders like Mosambi,lemon,chikoo,coconet,sugarcane pomegranate,guava etc, also needed.We can provide you planting materials.Farmers from Andhra pradesh,Karnataka,Tamilnadu,orissa are preferable.
Interested parties May Please feel free to contact me


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Dear Madhav,

Could you please answer to the followings:

1) Are you still in this field and requires the farmers?
2) If so, what send the detail information in detail by step by step.
3) We are having Mango farm of 25 acres in Andhra Pradesh, so please advise if we can go ahead in taking this project without disturbing the mango trees.
4) My email id is kummad@tiscali.it.


farmers wanted

I am from Mysore District of Karnataka, I am interested to cultivate all types of herbal plants in my fertile 8 acres of agricultural land, which you have mentioned in your mail.

Please send me the details through my email

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contract farming

Dear Sir,

We are interested in doing contract farming of medicinal/herbal plants in Villupuram District of Tamil Nadu.

Please furnish us with the project details


Dear Sir/Madam,

We are Hyderabad based company doing herbal extracts&exports.we need farmers who are having interest to cultivate Herbal crops.Form house holders like Mosambi,lemon,chikoo,coconet,sugarcane pomegranate,guava etc, also needed.We can provide you planting materials.Farmers from Andhra pradesh,Karnataka,Tamilnadu,orissa are preferable.
Interested parties May Please feel free to contact me


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Hi We are interested

Hi Madhav,
I am Redish Nair and having a 30acres land in Coorg,Karnataka.We are intererested to do this and please contact me through .Currently in Dubai now and will be back to India by June end.Pls provide us the complete information ASAP through mail.
Awaiting your quick reply
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Hi Madhav,
We are from Karnataka-chickamagalore region and are intrested in growing medicine plants and buyback arrangement. please do send us yours detailed proposal.

i want to to hybrid turmeric plantation so if you have any detail then please send me detail.
any r u provide planting material and also give support for buy back agreement.

pls send me mail
i have 10 acres of land.
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Are you looking our for Oranges (Santra). My relatives have big farms in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. If interested pls drop a ling with business plan, we will take it up ahead.

Hi Mr Madhav

we are based at Mysore district in karnataka state it 150 kms far from b'lore and we have 6 acrs of land and we are interested in herbal cultivation pl send us your details on my personal mail id we would be interested to know some high value products with buy back arrangement.


I am do this as early as basis.
i Have 10 acres of land.

With good water source.
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