Required Wanted farmers for contract farming of variousherbal plants



New Member
Hello, we have a demand for various herbal plants like Apamarg, Indrayan phal, Kalmegh, Makoi, Neem leaves, Milk thistle seeds, Meethi seeds, Ajawain seeds. We looking for farmers for contract farming of all these plants.
Interested farmers feel free to contact.
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Hi, I am from Parbhani Maharashtra,Where are you located?pls inform ,I am interested to join you, please share details of existing
business. We have 50 acres of land in all
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Hello, we have a demand for various herbal plants like Apamarg, Indrayan phal, Kalmegh, Makoi, Neem leaves, Milk thistle seeds, Meethi seeds, Ajawain seeds. We looking for farmers for contract farming of all these plants.
Interested farmers feel free to contact.
We can supply neem leaves now, also can supply Meethi, Ajawain seeds and Apamarg, Kalmegh, Makoj provided if you can supply us the saplings. We are situated near Bangalore, Karnataka

Hello, we have a demand for various herbal plants like Apamarg, Indrayan phal, Kalmegh, Makoi, Neem leaves, Milk thistle seeds, Meethi seeds, Ajawain seeds. We looking for farmers for contract farming of all these plants.
Interested farmers feel free to contact.
Well keen in contract farming .have 6 acres of land. Kindly let me know how do we go about.
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I am a farmer near Satara Maharashtra have 7 acres land with ample water and electricity.
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Hello, we have a demand for various herbal plants like Apamarg, Indrayan phal, Kalmegh, Makoi, Neem leaves, Milk thistle seeds, Meethi seeds, Ajawain seeds. We looking for farmers for contract farming of all these plants.
Interested farmers feel free to contact.
I am Sugumar Subramanian from Tamilnadu. I can provide the Neem leaves as per expected requirement. Please provide the required quantity and price details.

Please contact me. I am very much interested on this . what are the security options ?
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Hello, we have a demand for various herbal plants like Apamarg, Indrayan phal, Kalmegh, Makoi, Neem leaves, Milk thistle seeds, Meethi seeds, Ajawain seeds. We looking for farmers for contract farming of all these plants.
Interested farmers feel free to contact.
We are interested, please send details.
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Hello, we have a demand for various herbal plants like Apamarg, Indrayan phal, Kalmegh, Makoi, Neem leaves, Milk thistle seeds, Meethi seeds, Ajawain seeds. We looking for farmers for contract farming of all these plants.
Interested farmers feel free to contact.
We are interested pls send your contact number .
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