Available Wanted farmers for Contract Farming - Beema Bamboo under buyback


contract farming - Buy Back


We are interested in contract farming under buy back agreement, Please forward us the complete details of the project
Thanks and regards

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Beema Bamboo

We wish to have more information on cultivation of Beema Bamboo
for energy purposes, kindly mail available particulars fir us to study.

We are based in Sri Lanka and the projects sounds quite positive.
Contact through our Private Message

Organic Farming Systems

Please send me the details. I have agricultural land of 15 acres at Tanjore.

Gopal organic Farm.
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contract farming of bhima bamboo

Sir,I am interested to do the contract farming please let me know he details .
Thanks &regards
Umamaheswar rao .K
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Beema bamboo produces highest biomass as compared to any other tree plantation


We are interested in contract farming under buy back agreement, Please forward us the complete details of the project
Thanks and regards


Dear sir,
The annual national average of bamboo yield is as low as 1 ton per acre, while the annual state average yield is little above 2 tons per acre. On the contrary under precision cultivation, high yielding clone of Beema bamboo can yield over 50 tons of biomass annually per acre.
Under intensive cultivation of Beema bamboo with the population of 1000 plants per acre, the biomass yield starts from 3rd year @ 30 tons per acre and increases to 40 tons in the next year and stabilizes at 50 tons from 5th year onwards. As compared, under regular population density of 200 plants per acre, the biomass harvest starts from 3rd year with an yield of 8 tons/acre, and stabilizes at 50 tons from 8th year onwards. Due to planting of genetically superior clones and following the precision farming practices, the biomass yield of bamboo is so high that the area required for energy plantation is reduced to 20 times. In other words biomass available from 20 acres from regular plantation can be obtained from 1 acre of energy plantation of bamboo.
The energy potential of “Fast growing grass – bamboo” remains untapped due to lack of awareness of its potential. Bamboo has an energy value of 4000 Kcal with an ash content of 1 to 3% and has a low production cost of which is 1/3rd of that of the predominant energy source i.e. coal. Bamboo stands 1st for lowest ash content when it is compared with commonly available agri-waste viz. rice husk (20% ash content) and coal (10 – 20% ash content). There is no Sulphur content in bamboo biomass when it is compared to that present in coal or furnace oil, whereas at the same time, the energy value of bamboo biomass is almost 80% as that of coal.
Bamboo is the fastest growing plant, which grows 1½ feet a day. The carbon content of 45 to 50% in its biomass is the result of carbon sequestration by photosynthesis. In the process of photosynthesis, the carbon from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed and oxygen is released into the environment. This helps to clean the environment by providing oxygen for all other living beings in the world and at the same time also helping earn carbon credit. A well grown bamboo plantation is able to sequester close to 80 tons of carbon dioxide per acre annually which in terms of carbon trading is equivalent to 80 CER.
Among the many benefits of Beema bamboo being used as biomass, one is the ash generation which is very less as compared to many other biomass sources.
As an alternative green energy source to meet the growing energy needs, the project generates Green electricity by pyrolysis from the biomass generated out of Beema bamboo based energy plantation. The project uses a new scientifically produced clone of bamboo and cultivated appropriate nutrients and Agronomy practices. It maximizes the biomass yield to 50 tons per acre to the national average of 2 tons per acre, to produce power, thereby being highly efficient.
Sudhakar S
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bamboo details

dear sir,
please send the details on my mail id: pssssg@gmail.com
in one acre in how many days after the plantation will it take for cutting and what will be the rate for buyback
thanking u

Beema bamboo produces highest biomass as compared to any other tree plantation

Dear sir,

Thank you for your interest in Energy plantation.
At present we have contract farming scheme for Dharmapuri and krishnagiri,we shall formulating for all over india.


We are interested in contract farming under buy back agreement, Please forward us the complete details of the project
Thanks and regards


Dear sir,
we are interested in the buyback farming of BEEMA BAMBOO. KINDLY SEND YOUR DETAILS and contact details in our PM for further negotiations.
We are from PURI district in ORISSA and have 10 acres of land.
thanks and regards
n.d. goswami

Beema bamboo produces highest biomass as compared to any other tree plantation

Dear sir,
We have solution for you the requirements of biomass,we have specility for the energy plantation It is produce large quantity of biomass in limited area,cost of biomass to be 700 rs per ton.
compare to causrina wood tree our energy plantation could be procuce large quantity of biomasss.
Now we have develop the variety called beema bamboo,yield is 40 to 50 tons/acre.
Depending on the place 2nd year onwards harvest every year.If 12 mw captive farming in the 2400 acres of our energy plantation.

For further information kindly contact us:
Sudhakar S

We wish to have more information on cultivation of Beema Bamboo
for energy purposes, kindly mail available particulars fir us to study.

We are based in Sri Lanka and the projects sounds quite positive.
Contact through our Private Message

Organic Farming Systems
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Our requirement is in or around Palani to reduce Transportation Cost. If anybody interested, please do reply
Thanks & Regards
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Our requirement is in or around Palani to reduce Transportation Cost. If anybody interested, please do reply
Thanks & Regards

We have our farm near palani hills, can i get details of how much cost involved for cultivation of bamboo, what is the procedure for buyback system.
