Wanted basics of agriculture



New Member
Hi - I have some ancestral property in Rajasthan (~30 acres) that I want to cultivate and start agriculture as a business. Can someone please give me a basic sense of economics for various high profit vegetables/fruits. I am interested in understanding the average net profit per year I can make per acre if I grow any basic vegetable. If someone has greater patience, it'll be wonderful to also understand the -
(a) average yield per acre of some common vegetables
(b) costs to produce the same
(c) number of cycles I can grow the vegetables in a year
(d) initial one time investments I would need to make, and
(e) key risks that I should be looking out for


New Member
Utilisation of your land

Dear Ankitnov,
It is nice to know that you have circa 30 acres of land in Rajasthan and that you are looking to start agro business using the same. There are certain key points that need to be discussed in this connection, if you are keen on developing a sustainable and profitable business.
It would be really impossible to share ideas with you on this portal. Alternatively, you can contact me onor at .

I am a consultant and the director of 3M Consulting Services that specialises in the area of agriculture development, dairy farming, and other allied activities such as agro-toourism along with gaining carbon credits through proper farm management and reaching optimal productivity levels.

I would appreciate if we get in touch one to one so that we can find fool-proof business venture for you utilising your resources.

Thanks and best regards,
Prashant Kotwal,
3M Consulting Services, Mumbai.
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