Wanted Aloe Vera Plants -


supplying of allo vera leafs

Respected Sir

i want to provide alo vera leafs please contact me or gave me your telephone no
Thanking You
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aloe vera

hi all, i have about 10 acres of land near chandiarh, punjab, india.. i want to start cultivation of aloe vera plant if it is profitable. Can anyone guide me please.
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dear farmers

alovera farming is more profitable than the traditional crops...but make sure you have to have complete knowledge of markets and the quantity required around you, it has very niche market in india. if you are really eager to do the farming of aloevera give it a try with only one acre and try to make your own market ....


Your requirement of Aloevera.

Dear Sir,
Pls. contact us for your requirement of Aloevera. We have very high quality Aloevera, from the Northeast.
Also send your contact details like, email id, phone numbers, so as to proceed for further talks/ conversation on the products which you have mentioned.

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Aloevera Cultivation

hi all, i have about 10 acres of land near chandiarh, punjab, india.. i want to start cultivation of aloe vera plant if it is profitable. Can anyone guide me please.

Aloevera and others Medicinal plants or Crops Cultivation are abelable Please Visitew Us-www.naturebylife.com/ 91-9269307693

Get Aloe Vera Plants from us:

Dear Sir,
We have our own Aloe Vera Farm and we can supply you Aloe Vera Plants as per your requirement.

Kindly contact for your requirement: -

H.S. Choudhary
Contact No.: +91-9785400835, 9309096877
E-mail: choudharyhs@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.ralaagrobiotech.com

hi all, i have about 10 acres of land near chandiarh, punjab, india.. i want to start cultivation of aloe vera plant if it is profitable. Can anyone guide me please.

Dear Sir,

We have our own Aloe Vera Farm and we can supply you Aloe Vera Plants as per your requirement. Kindly contact for your requirement: -

H.S. Choudhary
]Aloe Vera Health Products,Amla Products Suppliers,Amla Juice Manufacturers In India[/url]
ready to aloe vera plant how much daily requirment contect
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